Random Tuesday Thoughts: Umlauts, Umlauts Everywhere!

It all began a couple of weeks ago. It seemed that umlauts just kept popping up.

For example, a friend on Facebook shared this blog: Unnecessary Umlaut, which is full of umlauts. (And some cool Photoshopped album covers, too.)

As we were driving in Central Illinois on the way to my sister’s wedding, I saw several billboards for this: Süd’s Motor Car Company, Inc.

And of course, there’s Sacha Baron Cohen’s new movie, Brüno. Everyone was all in an uproar when “Brüno” fell into Eminem’s lap at the MTV Movie Awards.

There was even an umlaut on the comics page last week:


What’s with all the umlauts?

Last Friday, Ed even surprised me with a six-pack of German beer. (I know! He’s so romantic.) He brought me something new to try from Trader Joe’s: Dunkelweizen. But there’s no umlaut over the u. How disappointing! (But delicious, nonetheless!)

Want more random? Go see Keely over at The Un-Mom!


12 Replies to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: Umlauts, Umlauts Everywhere!”

  1. I would like to know how to pronounce that word. It is like many words, I have read it many times but never heard it. That is why I like listening to books on CD! OH, check out my blog I have news.

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