Why {Spin Cycle}

Why hasn’t Shania Twain recorded anything new? Come On Over had like, a million hits on it, and I don’t even know any other albums she’s recorded. Is it perhaps because she split from music producer Mutt Lang? Hmm.

Why won’t my kids eat the carrots I pack in their school lunches? They are crunchy, delicious and orange! Kinda like Cheetos, right? Plus they make you able to see in the dark! Cheetos can’t do that!

Cheetos vs carrots

Why won’t my kids throw away candy and granola bar wrappers or used tissues, and as soon as I throw out holey socks they look in the garbage and start crying?

Why can’t my kids keep their runny noses to themselves? *sniff*

Why is this post so short? See above.


Second Blooming


20 Replies to “Why {Spin Cycle}”

  1. More on the tissues thing, why does my daughter barely blow her horribly runny nose but what little she does still calls for a fresh tissue seconds later?

  2. LOL! I agree with you..my question is why can't carrots taste like cupcakes? I would be so much thinner! I hope you are doing well my friend & getting over that cold!
    My recent post Simple Meatball Soup

  3. I'm with you on the carrots thing. I stopped putting any sweets or fruit snacks in Leo's lunch because he would always send home the carrots or apples or applesauce. HOpe you feel better! The sniffles are going around our house as well.
    My recent post WHY

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