Today is the last Tuesday in June, and my month of co-hosting Tuesday Ten is coming to an end! Even though my time as co-host is almost over, I’ll still be writing Tuesday Ten lists with its amazing hostesses, Lisa and Rabia! This week, our topic is “Things you’d tell your sixteen year old self.”
I think this topic might be the most challenging one yet. It was easy to share ten items I always keep in my kitchen cabinets and the ten things I love about my dad. Thinking about what I would tell my sixteen year self is not quite as simple! I was sixteen smack dab in the middle of the 80’s, when bangs were hair sprayed straight up and jeans were skinny at the bottom. My sixteen year old self really could use some wisdom from my 45 year old self.
10. You will get your driver’s license. You will pass the driver’s test the first time you take it, and you will also discover that you love to drive! You just need to overcome your nervousness, and then you will be fine.
9. That new, dreamy guy that walked into your English class last week? Remember him? You thought to yourself that he was the boy you were going to marry. Wrong. You don’t marry him; you barely have a conversation with hime. But don’t worry. Someone much better comes along…eventually.
8. Don’t worry about that horrible perm. By the time graduation comes around, you’ll look cute again.
7. Listen to your English teacher. You are a good writer.
6. Don’t give up running. You loved running the mile in Jr. High track. Keep it up!
5. Practice the piano! Keep taking lessons! Don’t be embarrassed that you had to go get your music during your last recital! No one will remember that you forgot how to play that piano piece from memory.
4. Be nice to your little sisters and brother. Take care of them.
3. Every once in a while, be a rebel! You’re a teenager. You’re supposed to rebel!
2. You are going to have so much fun in college!
1. Dream big. Become more than you think you can be.
Your Tuesday Ten Hostesses are:
I love the one about the boy and I think we all had those thoughts that we would marry the cute boy back in high school. Like you, I totally didn’t either, but better did definitely come along!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…SITS Community Lead (An Announcement) – Summer of Social Love Linkup
Oh, those cute boys! I spent too much time thinking about them and didn’t have enough courage to talk to them! 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
I love this list! I loved this topic, but, when it cam down to making my list, I got stuck after about 7. We have loved having you as c0-host this month. Thanks so much for your participation, support, and friendship!!
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Some Advice for a 16 Year Old Me
You are so welcome! I have enjoyed being the co-host so much! It’s a great blog hop to participate in, Lisa!
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
Great list! I especially like #3. 🙂
Teresa Kander recently posted…Tuesday Ten: Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
I was pretty much a goody two shoes in high school, which I suppose isn’t all bad! 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
Love it! I would tell my sixteen year old self to rebel, too! Just a little, but still 🙂
Nicole Hallford recently posted…Mischief Managed
Just a little, so that my parents didn’t have heart attacks! I was a pretty good kid.
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
Great advice! I wish I had stuck with sports longer…or at least exercise and activity.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Hey 1994! Are you listening!?!! {#TuesdayTen Linkup}
I’m wondering if I would be a runner now if I had kept it up in high school. I guess it’s never too late to start again?
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
We had a few similar ones – #1 and #2. And the perm one cracked me up – I was done with perms by age 14, but then my hair stayed curly!
Dana recently posted…Hey, Miss Know-it-All – you don’t.
My hair is so straight and fine that I just had to cut it off. I would love to have long curly locks!
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
#9 – I would have to tell myself that A LOT. Stopping by from the Ten Tuesday link up!
Jennifer recently posted…Body Image Mini Series
HA! Cute boys were so fun to dream about! 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
Oh – I had more than one bad perm (the home variety) way back when – not sure what I (or my mom) was thinking!!!
Kim recently posted…What Right Does Anyone Have to Judge Us?
Home perms were the worst! And they smelled so bad…
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
I remember my english teacher when I was 16 said the same thing – he told me to pursue writing.
I kinda listening after all!
tamaralikecamera recently posted…The Passing of a Centenarian.
And all of your readers are glad you listened! 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
Ah… such great advice Ginny! I think I could easily have shared all of the same stuff with my 16 year old self too! And that boy? Times it by twenty for me!
Chris Carter recently posted…Words of Encouragement for a 16 Year Old
Oh, cute boys will always be too irresistible to teenaged girls! And in my twenties, it was the boy with the motorcycle…but this was just supposed to be advice for my 16 year old self! 😉
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self
I love this list! I had some pretty bad hair do’s back then! I would tell 16 year old self that it doesn’t matter that you weren’t in the “popular” crowd. You had a lot of good friends that will still be your friends in your 40’s!
Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness recently posted…The Curveballs of Life
This is so true, Kris! If only I had know that back in high school!
Ginny Marie recently posted…10 Things I Would Tell My Sixteen Year Old Self