Kicking Off!

It’s the first full week of summer! Lily and Emmy have been out of school for almost three weeks now, and we’re slowly adjust to summer’s routine. I should write “lack of routine,” which is both freeing and horrible at the same time. We can sleep late, there’s no homework, and we can watch TV in the middle of the day. And we can also lie on the floor moaning about how bored we are and how no one will play with me, watch TV until we’re zombies and then not want to go to sleep at night because we’re not tired, and whine at the grocery store even though the cupboard are completely bare at home.

Yes, summer’s wonderful!

Our summer routine includes:

1. Swim Team for Lily. She has two hour practices every day, which wore her out at first. She’s becoming a stronger swimmer and has been working on diving off the block and flip turns. She was really looking forward to her first swim meet last week. Unfortunately, dark clouds rolled in and the temperature dropped into the 50’s, so it was cancelled. We were looking forward to her second swim meet on Wednesday…and then dark clouds rolled in and the Thor guard went off, and it was postponed. Ah, summer in the Midwest! Finally yesterday, Lily was able to swim in her first swim meet!

Lily swimming with her team during warm-ups.
Lily swimming with her team during warm-ups.

She was so nervous, but she did fine! It was a home meet, and the coaches asked for parent volunteers to time the swimmers. I’ve never done it before…but I volunteered anyway. I figured if Lily was brave enough to do something new that made her nervous, I’d go ahead and do the same thing! It turned out to be an easy job, and I was able to meet one of the other swim team moms.

2. Vacation Bible School was this week! This was the first year I was not the VBS director, and I have to admit it was a welcome change. I can’t stay away from VBS, though, and I was the Bible Story Teller. When I started helping with VBS, I was pregnant with Emmy. Now both my girls are in the oldest groups for VBS! How did that happen?

Emmy VBS
Emmy came down with “leprosy” during VBS.

3. Daily Visits to a Playground: This was one of my goals for the summer, and while weather and schedules have interfered somewhat, we’ve gone to the park a lot! We’ve also been trying to eat plenty of ice cream to make sure we have energy to go to the park.

How are you kicking off your summer? Link up your summer posts here or tell us in the comments!

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11 Replies to “Kicking Off!”

  1. We are totally trying to get out more often now and will say we too have had a few rainy type days, but thankfully have cleared enough to get out. But yes, I also have heard the bored cries and once again thankfully my girls are easily distractible and I find new ways to get them out of these moods, but definitely getting less done work wise around here, because of it at the very least. Happy Summer 🙂
    Janine Huldie recently posted…IUD Birth Control Is Harder to Come By Than Viagra (FTSF)My Profile

  2. Oh the summer boredom game. I really dislike that one. My guys don’t complain of it much because they know there is a list from which they must choose an activity if they do complain. I don’t think the list is that bad, but they plowed through the favs in about 2 days and now they are bored with the list! Ha!
    Jenny recently posted…{Spin Cycle} Kicking off SummerMy Profile

  3. Hi Ginny Marie ~ Just wanted to let you know that I’m in your neck-of-the-woods visiting my daughter! Both of my kids were competitive swimmers too, and we loved going to swim practice and meets = )
    Hope you enjoy your summer ~ Deb

  4. Summer is such a great family time. Fewer demands for early rising seems to make for bigger smiles on children. Unless you have swim team practice at 8 to 9 AM. Up until this weekend we have been poolside cheering on 3 grandsons. Go, Lily, go! May your summer be full of wonderful memories.
    Janice recently posted…Gettin’ My Summer On!My Profile

  5. It looks like your VBS curriculum was the same as at my church (Weird Animals). Either that or there is an epidemic of sticker leprosy. I hope you had fun!

    Our summer consists mainly of lots of reading books, which is the best way to spend any day, with many trips to the library. I also spend a certain amount of time shaking my fist at the weeds. My work load is supposed to increase, but this year that’s not true. Not sure if that’s a bad thing, actually.
    Common Household Mom recently posted…What We Learned: 9th Grade EditionMy Profile

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