This. This is a rock.
Here is the same rock, a little closer. Notice anything yet?
This is starting to look like something more. Like something more than just a rock. More like a newspaper, perhaps.
Thousands of these pictures communicating messages we can only guess about cover the rocks. They were made a long, long time ago by the people who lived here, in the Painted Desert in Arizona.
These pictures are called petroglyphs, and I am fascinated with them. When we were at Mesa Verde, I desperately wanted to take a 4 mile hike to go see some, but reason took over after realizing that my six year old would not be up for such a long walk in the two hours we had until sunset. She is capable of walking that far…both my kids have proved that they are awesome hikers! But that day, it was not to be.
It turned out that I would have my chance to see hundreds of petroglyphs in the Petrified Forest and Painted Desert. Ancient people scratched away the “desert varnish” from the rocks to create pictures, and amazingly they can still be seen today a thousand years or more later.
This. This is a blog.
My blog is my Newspaper Rock. My attempt at communication, with you, with others who might stumble here accidentally. With myself. So many times I haven’t even known what I was going to write until I just sat down and started typing. And there it was; another blog post. Another few hundred words, sent out into the world. Communicating messages that in a thousand years no one will understand what it was all about.
You are blessed to be able to write like that. I usually need some sort of inspiration (like curly kale) to be able to write a post about anything!
Mara@Weighty Matters recently posted…Heaven!
That’s amazing – I love hiking as well, especially when there’s a bit of history treasure waiting at the end.
Jake recently posted…Little Miss Sunshine at Second Stage
I love the analogy!
that cynking feeling recently posted…Alarming
From one newspaper rock to another..this is really cool.
tamaralikecamera recently posted…New Theme: Kent
That is amazing and really awesome!
debby9972 recently posted…WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE
This. This is a comment. It’s my attempt to communicate with you and tell you what an awesome analogy you’ve come up with and how much I enjoy reading your blog. 🙂
Angelina Costenaro recently posted…Why My Italian Papa is the Best
What a great comparison!! My mom’s family lives in Alaska and there is a beach full of Petroglyphs we used to visit and do rubbing from. They are oddly fascinating!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…#AskAwayFriday: Anniversary Style!
Oh, that would be so fun! I have family in Anchorage. Where is your mom’s family?
WOW!!!!! I got for-real chills!
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