Homework Kit

Mama Kat and Mom Pulse

I haven’t vlogged in ages, and what better time to start vlogging again than during NaBloPoMo, when I have to come up with something new every day?

Today, I’m answering prompt 4. Tips on surviving homework hour with the kids.

Tip number 1: give your kids potato chips while they are doing homework so that the teacher will wonder what those mysterious grease stains on their papers are.

homework time

Oh, I’m just kidding! I received my share of grease spots on papers when I taught second grade. My girls are in 1st and 3rd, so the homework isn’t too bad. But they do get homework, and here’s a little tip that has been helping us get through homework time. At the beginning of the school year, we put together a Homework Kit. Watch my vlog to find out more!

(Watch video here, too!)

How do you get through homework hour? (Yes, sometimes it’s longer than an hour for us, too!)


3 Replies to “Homework Kit”

  1. We have a homework drawer with all the essential tools – kind of the same idea. My girls – one of them in particular – really dislikes homework, so she is always in a bad mood about it. My bigger problem is that – given their moods – homework time seems to trigger the bickering and whining. I dread it every day (which is probably not the best attitude for them to see from me!)
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