It rained on Halloween this year. It rained, and rained, and rained, but it wasn’t very cold so my girls had loads of fun running from door to door and collecting candy with their friends. We all were carrying umbrellas, but that didn’t really help us stay dry. We didn’t trick-or-treat as far as we would have if the weather was nicer; and after we went inside to dry out, the sun peeked out from behind the clouds for just a couple of minutes. I saw on Facebook that we missed a beautiful rainbow. Oh, well, these things happen.
My girls are so sweet and aren’t picky about their costumes. Lily doesn’t like change, anyway, so she wore the bat costume I made for her last year again. She loves it because it’s made out of a black sweatshirt, so it keeps her warm and she doesn’t have to wear her coat over it!
Emmy wanted to be Taylor Swift, but I really didn’t want to try to make her look like Taylor Swift for the school parade! At the last minute, I found ladybug antenna and a Little Red Riding Hood costume at Target, so I transformed it into a ladybug dress. Emmy loves the Ladybug Girl books, so she went right along with this idea.
After seeing Tamara’s Halloween pictures of her little bunny, (be sure to go read about her Halloween this year!) I knew I had to show you a picture of Lily as a bunny. She was almost two years old.
And here is my little piggy Emmy, when she was about 15 months old. She was a happy little piggy!
How was your Halloween? Be sure to visit all the Halloween links below!

Aww! Lily at two-years-old! And she kept her bunny costume ON. What a concept. Are you reading this, Des???
Scarlet loves the Ladybug girl books too and I think you did a fantastic job with her costume!
tamaralikecamera recently posted…Refine Your Blog’s Voice with New Fonts
Oops! That comment linked to a blog that isn’t mine!
tamaralikecamera recently posted…I Got You Babe.
Sorry about the rain. I never rains on Halloween out here (luckily, for all of Jude’s wacky costumes), but it usually gets weirdly hot so everybody’s miserable. Hate that. Your girls are adorable as usual. Both now and as their baby selves!
Gretchen recently posted…Spin Cycle: It Squirted Ink, Y’all!
The girls look wonderful and I’m glad you went out even in the rain!!!
debby9972 recently posted…WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGE
What a creative mom you are with those costumes! And Lily’s smart to have a costume that comes with a sweatshirt. Wearing a coat over a costume definitely takes something away from it.
Angelina Costenaro recently posted…Halloween: A Pagan holiday or a Christian one?
Wow! I’m impressed with your bat costume making skills! Your girls are adorable.
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