It’s true; I just spent a whole week in the world of the Mouse, with warm, sunny days and cool, beautiful evenings.

I have never, ever, ever been to Disney World before, and I was looking forward to our trip as much as Lily and Emmy were. I was looking forward to warmer weather, while Lily and Emmy were looking forward to the rides! Before we could go to Disney, there was something else we had to do. We had to go meet…Rapunzel!

Rapunzel was not locked up in her tower, however. She was on the Fairy Tale Advisory Board to help fairy tale characters solve their problems. As you all know, The Big Bad Wolf has some anger issues. Rapunzel gave him some excellent advice on how to manage that anger!
Two days later we boarded an airplane and late that afternoon we were at Epcot. It really does seem magical to be able to fly across the country in just a couple of hours; to be able to shed our winter coats and wear shorts and T-shirts in March. We had a late dinner, and as we came out of the restaurant, the colored lights were shining on Spaceship Earth.
I had been hoping to be able to book an earlier flight on our first day in Disney, but with the expense of airfare, it hadn’t worked out. Our first day at Disney was over already and we had hardly done anything! But our adventure was just beginning….