Scrapping Mount Rushmore

During the six months between the time that Ed and I got engaged and then consequentially married, we decided to go on the Big American Migration to the West. That is, we drove from Illinois to Yellowstone, stopping at all the tourist sights to see on the way. We often ran into the same families at various waysides, all of us traveling the same highway and seeing the same sights. Of course, one of the biggest stops was in South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore.

I couldn’t wait to scrapbook our adventure. At the scrapbooking store, I found this cool mosaic paper that I couldn’t wait to try! It has 100 one-inch squares laid out, 10 on each side.

I decided to use my photos of Mount Rushmore for my mosaic.

Now, I’m always thinking about blogging…when I’m out and about, I think about how I’ll blog what I’m doing and where I’m going. Eight years ago, I did the same thing for scrapbooking. So I told Ed to point to the word “Illinois,” which is among all the fifty states, each with their own stone pillar. And then of course, I had to have him take a picture of me with Abraham Lincoln!

Have I mentioned that a few weeks ago, Christine at Memories by Christine featured one of my scrapbook pages?

Memories by Christine
Thank you, Christine!

6 Replies to “Scrapping Mount Rushmore”

  1. Those are great! I have GOT to get into scrapbooking. My 4yo's baby book isn't even done yet. So you can only guess at what my 21-month-old's looks like. No, really…your guess is as good as (probably better than) mine 'cause it totally has not even been imagined yet.

  2. I did a mosaic once, haven't scrapbooked in years. I've used mosaic paper and it sure makes it easier! You did a fantastic job!

  3. That mosaic looks fantastic! How does that work? I'm not very crafty at all but I've been looking at the picture trying to see how that works. Do you take a picture and somehow lay the paper over it and cut out the picture in 1" squares? Does that even make sense? 🙂

  4. I wish I would have done scrapbooking, it's so awesome. Someday when I have a grandchild I am going to do them for sure. We made that trip from Illinois a few times when we lived there.I love Mt. Rushmore.

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