Looking at the Sky on Friday: Images from a Backyard

Last March, I was visiting my parents in Iowa. Here are some photos I took in their backyard. This first one is a view of the sky through their corkscrew willow tree. I love the way the branches curl up to the sky.

This pussy willow is on the side of their house. It was fairly breezy, so this image isn’t as clear as I had hoped!

Finally, here is a view of the sky with some dried grasses. I love how the grass curls at the end. They are as pretty dried as they are in the summer.

For more images of the sky, go visit Tisha at Crazy Working Mom.


10 Replies to “Looking at the Sky on Friday: Images from a Backyard”

  1. Such gorgeous blue skies! And I love Corkscrew Willows. We tried to plant one, but it didn't make it through the drought of a summer we had, so I took the branches and put them in a funky pot. Unfortunately G has broken all but a few of them.Recent blog post: My son turned two

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