Freaking Out About Appearances

My parents didn’t allow me to wear make up until I was in high school. So in Junior High, I was known as the girl with the “natural look” since I was the only one who wasn’t wearing make up. I remember the first time I was allowed to wear mascara. It was for my Confirmation, and I spent the whole church service looking at my black eye lashes out of the corner of my eyes. Ever since then, I hardly ever leave the house without putting on some mascara. Normally, I don’t stress out too much about how I look. But there was this one time….

So I’m freaking out a little by posting this vlog! Why can’t I get a good thumbnail, and when did I start to look so much like my mother? Grab a cup of coffee and watch the video here if you’re reading this in your email.

Second Blooming

The Coffee Shop


Impulse Buying

We all know what it’s like to walk into a store and come out with more than we intended to buy. How many times have I walked into Target meaning to buy only toothpaste and walked out with three bags full? Too many times to remember!

Well, men have been known to do a little impulse buying as well. Ed is usually pretty good at sticking to his list, mainly because he is frugal. Every once in a while, however, he will bring something home that was not on his list. With help from the peanut gallery, I present:

Ed’s Impulse Buy

View video here.

What was your latest impulse buy?

signatureLinked up to “Finding the Funny” at Kelley’s Break Room and My Life and Kids!