Meme’s the Word! (May 16 – May 22)

Did you participate in a meme or blog carnival this week? Link up your post here at the end of every week, and get more for your meme!

Last Wednesday, I started something new called “Where in the World?” and I hope you’ll join me! I’m writing about the places I’ve been, and I hope you will, too. Then just link up your post, and we’ll travel the world together. (Or maybe we’ll just go out on the town!) Where in the world have you been? Sometimes I’m going to write about my travels, but sometimes I might write about our trip to the neighborhood pool. If you don’t travel, you can still participate! Next Wednesday’s suggested theme is your favorite BEACH. Don’t have a favorite beach? Write about where ever you want to!

Janna from The Adventures of Motherhood is also starting a new project!
Janna writes, “I’m inviting you to go back to our youth and once a week for 15 weeks share short possibly random stories of our youth starting with birth and ending with a post graduation. Think of this as a gift you are giving to yourself and most importantly your children, their children, and who knows who else.”

For more information about Janna’s new venture, click on the button above!

Now it’s your turn; tell us what memes you participated in this week!

  1. Link up using the direct URL to your meme post. If you participated in more than one meme, go ahead and link more than one post!
  2. Visit a few links, and leave substantial comments. You don’t have to write a novel; just write a nice comment that shows you actually read the post.

Since this isn’t a usual meme, there’s no need to write a separate post for “Meme’s the Word.” Publicize this meme in whatever way you would like. If you love buttons, add the meme button to your side bar. Or you could add a little sentence to the bottom of your meme post saying something like this: “I’m also linking up to “Meme’s the Word!” Saturdays at Lemon Drop Pie.”


Meme’s the Word! (May 9 – May 15)

Did you participate in a meme or blog carnival this week? Link up your post here at the end of every week, and get more for your meme!

LT blogs at A Day With Two, and has she got the meme for you! She promises to give you comment love when you link up!

A Day With Two

“How do you play along? … Just find a photo that takes you back to another time. Every week you can come back here and share photos that “take you back.” Maybe it is the bad hair we all had in the 80’s, the bell-bottoms you swore were so hip in the 70’s, or your favorite pictures of your kids!”

Now it’s your turn; tell us what memes you participated in this week!

  1. Link up using the direct URL to your meme post. If you participated in more than one meme, go ahead and link more than one post!
  2. Visit a few links, and leave substantial comments. You don’t have to write a novel; just write a nice comment that shows you actually read the post!

Since this isn’t a usual meme, there’s no need to write a separate post for “Meme’s the Word.” Publicize this meme in whatever way you would like. If you love buttons, add the meme button to your side bar. Or you could add a little sentence to the bottom of your meme post saying something like this: “I’ve also linked this post to “Meme’s the Word!” on Saturdays at Lemon Drop Pie.”