Ten Random Things About Me

1. My family moved from Nebraska to Illinois when I was three. During the move, I got stung by a bumblebee on my big toe!
2. When I’m stopped in traffic and I see someone singing along to a song in their car, I try to figure out what radio station they’re listening to.
3. When I was in elementary school and junior high, I ran in track meets. My event was the mile and I loved it. But when I went to a large suburban high school, I was too scared to try out for the track team and I gave up running.
4. I was a waitress at Pizza Hut in high school. Not a good tipping job.
5. When my youngest sister, who was in high school, told me I should date her Youth Leader, I just laughed. Years later I started dating him and we’ve been married for over 12 years.
6. I used to hate asparagus and now I love it. Believe, I tell my kids this story a lot when they complain about food they don’t like.
7. My other sister always gives me her mushrooms.
8. I had my first baby at the same age my mom was when she had her last baby; we were 35 years old.
9. I can’t believe I’m so old that I had breast cancer 19 years ago. Yes, I was very young.
10. I still love reading real books, real magazines, and actual newspapers.

The Golden Spoons


11. I hate being late, and yet now that I’m a mother, I usually am late!

Link up a post to the Spin Cycle this week! Our prompt is Just Write! Click here to link up!

Do you need a book to read? Read my review of Angelhood, by A.J. Cattapan.


13 Replies to “Ten Random Things About Me”

  1. I’ve always thought about scanning the radio stations trying to find the match to the one my “neighbor” is listening to! How funny!

    I loved playing softball in gradeschool. Went out for the team in highschool and was too scared to give it my all, so I quit after freshman year.

    Wondered how you and Ed hooked up…that’s a cute story!
    Jenny recently posted…Springtime GrowthMy Profile

  2. I totally understand your other sister and the mushrooms. I always tend to give them to whoever wants them. If nobody wants them, I will leave them.

    As for books: totally with you: the real thing! Also because I haven’t yet been able to get a nice thingymebob to do the digital reading. But books look so much better in a bookcase though.
    Mara recently posted…A day of work?My Profile

  3. Nineteen years is a long time and I thank God for your survival. I never liked mushrooms but I had collectible mushroom items like wall hangings, mugs and figurines. Now I adore eating mushrooms. I still love reading real books and magazines too. I’ve never been a newspaper reader.
    Deborah Pucci recently posted…WEDNESDAY HODGEPODGEMy Profile

  4. Fun! I didn’t use to like onions, but during my first pregnancy I craved them on everything – pizza, sandwiches, etc. I still like them and eat them now almost thirteen years later. However, you could have my mushrooms, too. I also didn’t want to date my my husband when I first met him – some friends gave him my number without me knowing about it! He called. I reluctantly said yes. We celebrated our 16 anniversary last December!
    Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Resolution Report CardMy Profile

  5. Great facts to share! I love the story about you and your husband. I guess your sister knew you two would make a great pair. :)Congratulations for beating cancer! It is such a hard experience to go through, especially at a young age. And I agree – real books and magazines are so much better!
    Jenessa Mullen recently posted…My Top 10 Current Favorite SongsMy Profile

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