Twenty Things I Learned from Netflix

20 things I learned

You may have heard that I got a new flatscreen TV for my birthday after waiting (unsuccessfully) for our old tube TV to break. So as soon as we unpacked the box and set it up, I hooked myself up for a free month of Netflix. I learned so much just by watching TV in February!

1. The Walking Dead is on Netflix!
2. Battlestar Galactica is on Netflix!
3. The only way to kill zombies is through the head.
4. The only way to kill Cylons is through the head.
5. Supplies are hard to get after a zombie apocalypse.
6. Supplies are hard to come by after Cylons destroyed human civilization.
7. There are more zombies than humans.
8. There are more Cylons than humans.
9. Zombies freak me out!
10. Cylons really freak me out!
11. Running from zombies ages you.
12. Running from Cylons ages you.
13. Zombies are easy to spot. After all, they’re dead.
14. Cylons are easy to spot. After all, they’re robots…
15. Unless of course, they are Cylons who look like humans.
16. Zombies’ nicknames are Walkers or Biters.
17. Cylons’ nicknames are Toasters.
18. Bear McCreary wrote the music for The Walking Dead.
19. Bear McCreary wrote the music for Battlestar Galactica.
20. After staying up late watching TV, I can totally survive with only 4 hours of sleep. Yes, I can.

Mama Kat and Mom Pulse


21 Replies to “Twenty Things I Learned from Netflix”

  1. I keep hearing people talk about Netflix and seriously was wondering what all the fuss is about. Believe it or not, I have never watched The Walking Dead, but Kevin loves it. So, I better not tell him that it is on Netflix or I may have a very obsessed Netflix fan on my hands with him! Seriously though, I too sadly can function 4 hours of sleep and still amazes me when I can do it and still keep going!
    Janine Huldie recently posted…Why It’s Important To Have Regular Vision Tests for Your Whole FamilyMy Profile

    1. I decided to get it because we don’t have cable, just regular TV. I was surprised that there aren’t that many movies to stream; I would have to pay for a DVD subscription. But there are a lot of cable show that I want to watch!

      With all that you do, I’m not surprised that you only get 4 hours of sleep!
      Ginny Marie recently posted…Twenty Things I Learned from NetflixMy Profile

  2. Welcome, Ginny. You have now completed the first two steps to becoming a Cylon or maybe a zombie. Or just a zombie like creature due to not enough sleep! Your post is really funny.
    Janice recently posted…Yawn!My Profile

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