Happy New Year! 2013 flew by fast, didn’t it? Here’s recap of some of my “favorites” for 2013, and how I’m looking forward to 2014.
Favorite blogging moment: I submitted my blog post about the loss of my mom and grandma for consideration for the BlogHer 2013 Voices of the Year on a whim. I was completely and totally shocked when it was chosen! I still feel very honored the be a BlogHer VOTY.

Blogging in 2014: First, a little history. Jen from Sprite’s Keeper started giving writing prompts for The Spin Cycle back when all blog hops were called memes and when links were entered manually into blog posts. It’s the place where I met many wonderful bloggers who are awesome writers. Unfortunately, many of them don’t blog any more. Jen, who had been blogging every day, decided she needed a break and passed The Spin Cycle on to Gretchen from Second Blooming. Gretchen has been doing an awesome job of keeping The Spin Cycle going! Recently, I’ve noticed that many blog hops have grown by being hosted by more than one blogger. In 2013, Gretchen and I teamed up to bring you The Spin Cycle. I hope that together we can continue to provide you with writing prompts and help the Spin Cycle grow! If you’re blogger, we’d love you to join us each week! (Click here for more Spin Cycle details!)
Best realization: I actually am a writer, and I was published in two books this year! I’m hoping that I will be able to contribute to more books in 2014.
Best Breast Cancer Moment: I know, this just sounds weird. Bear with me for a minute! At the beginning of December, I had a video call with a researcher in the United Kingdom. I was contributing to her research on breastfeeding after breast cancer. Helping young breast cancer patients is one of the reasons I started this blog, and being part of a research project makes me feel even more helpful. It’s such important research; I definitely could have benefited from more information when I was trying to breastfeed my children. Jan, the researcher and a midwife, is having trouble finding participants. If you know anyone who was diagnosed with breast cancer and then went on to have children, please let me know!
Breast Cancer research contributions in the future: I’m already planning over two years into the future for this one! In 2016, it will be 20 years since I was first diagnosed with breast cancer. I really want to walk in the 2016 Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara, if the walk still exists. I’ve walked it in Chicago twice, and it is an amazing, AH-MAZING experience. I also want to put together a team to walk with me, including my sisters and cousins. We would make an amazing team!
Now for some less heavy, more frivolous favorites!
Favorite song: I can’t get enough of Counting Stars by OneRepublic.
Least favorite song: I can’t stand listening to We Can’t Stop by Miley Cyrus. The video is even ickier.
Favorite movie in the theater: This one is easy, since we don’t go out to the movies very often. And of course, it’s a kid’s movie. I think Lily and Emmy would agree that Frozen is the best movie of the year. That we saw. In the theater. The only movie we saw in the theater!
Movie to see in 2014: I really want to see the second Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire. Of course, it’s too violent for the kids and my husband has no interest in seeing it. Maybe I’ll go by myself!
Favorite movie on DVD: The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’m a huge scifi/fantasy fan, but my husband is not. So I borrowed these DVDs from my brother and watched them over a couple of weeks when I was doing laundry. Those were the only two weeks of the year that I actually folded and put away the laundry in a decent amount of time!
Most disappointing movie on DVD: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. I loved the book as a child, and this movie was not a movie for children. The dwarves were too intense and the goblins were too scary. I still want to see the next Hobbit movies, but I will always love the book more.
Favorite book: This is a hard one; I read so many good books this year! My favorite was Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline.
Most surprising book: Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. I didn’t have high expectations when I read this book; I actually thought I wouldn’t like it. But to my surprise, I loved it!
Most disappointing book: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Steig Larsson. I know, I’m that last person to read it. I really enjoyed the writing, but there was a little too much “ick” in it for me, with the relationship between the main characters and the violent ending. Normally I’m not squeamish, but just…ick!
Book to Read in 2014: Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes. Everyone I know has been raving about this book!
What are some of your favorites from 2013? Is there anything you’re looking forward to in 2014?
SPIN CYCLE THIS WEEK: Write about a highlight from 2013, and link up your post any day this week! Click here to link up!
I am so with you Miley Cyrus and saw her last night on Rockin New Year’s Eve and my skin just was crawling. She is so gross and that video is even worse. And by the way, I want to read Me Before You and hope to get to it after I finish the book I am reading now. Happy New Year Ginny to you and your family!! 🙂
Janine Huldie recently posted…The Mother of All Meltdowns New Year’s Resolutions for 2014
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that way about Miley! I hope things work out for her in the future, but right now she’s just out to shock people, I think.
Ginny Marie recently posted…A Look Back; a Look Ahead
Yes, you are a writer!
Counting Stars by OneRepublic always makes me think of you because of when you posted the video.
Frozen was the only movie I saw in the theater this year, and so it was my favorite!
And I have “Me Before You” on hold at the library. Can’t wait!
tamaralikecamera recently posted…Just A Bit More Looking Back.
I should put Me Before You on hold at our library…I bet there’s a long wait!
I’m looking forward to doing some more writing this year!
Ginny Marie recently posted…A Look Back; a Look Ahead
I am pretty much against anything that involves Ms. Cyrus. But I do love that One Direction song. Mine is still Titanium by David Guetta.
I’ll try my best to post this week. I’ve been on hiatus but I need to join in on the Spin again.
Nain recently posted…Time to work on myself
I don’t think I know Titanium. I’ll have to go listen to it! We’d love to have you back on the Spin Cycle, Nain! You have been missed. 🙂
Ginny Marie recently posted…Secrets for a Strong Marriage
I love Counting Stars, too and I am so tired of Miley Cyrus! I am also coming to the realization that I am an actual writer and hoping to take that to the next level in 2014! 🙂
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons recently posted…Happy New Year!
Alright then… Me Before You is definitely going to be my next book for SURE! I keep seeing everyone rave about it too!!
I love love LOVE that you got picked for Blogher’s Voices of the year!!!
And two books?
Oh girl, you are ARE a writer!!! What a wonderful year it’s been for you!!
I love your goals and your outlook altogether, my friend,
CHEERS to 2014!!!
Chris Carter recently posted…HAPPY NEW YEAR!