My uncles say, “Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.” Well, yesterday the creeks overflowed, the rivers are still rising and the sewer rose right into my basement. Our sump pump is working fine, so while we’re unable to flush our toilets and take showers, we don’t have much water damage like thousands of others in the Chicago area. We did not have to be rescued by boat and we did not lose our car underwater. For that, I am extremely grateful. Our neighbors, who do have a working sewer, invited us over last night to use their bathrooms and feed us cake. Yay for good neighbors!
“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You, too? I thought I was the only one.” ~C.S. Lewis
Ed graciously offered to let us stay in a hotel room, but I wanted to stick it out at home. Yes, it is a pain, but I think I would have been too anxious about our house if we left last night. As for comfort, I like sleeping in my own bed.
“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort.” ~Jane Austin
I may not be able to run the dishwasher, but we have electricity. I can’t do laundry; however, our washer and dryer are not under water. In this crazy Chicago weather, we are now having snow flurries. At least we have a warm house. We have a solid roof over our heads and a mostly dry basement under our feet. The water puddle is slowly receding and I’m hopeful that we will be able to run water by tonight or tomorrow.
The water company has kindly listened to our phone calls and sent out an investigator. He assured me that the sewer would soon start running normally. We have a low sewer line compared to some of our neighbors, which is the reason our line backed up.
Our school district is up and running and the girls are at school. Ed has been able to get to work. We just have so many things to be thankful for!
“In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” ~Robert Frost
This post brought to you by Spin Cycle and the prompt: My Favorite Quotes.
How has your week been?

Oh, thank God you're not under water! And kudos to you for adapting your spin on the fly to fit your circumstances! Stay dry!
You are linked!
My recent post Spin Cycle: My Favorite Quotes
Thank you, Gretchen! It seems like the rain is over. (crossing my fingers!)
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
So grateful to hear that you all are safe, Ginny Marie ~ I was thinking of you.
My daughter lives in the Chicagoland area too, and the "creek" in their backyard became a raging "river" yesterday.
Thankfully, they did not experience any water seepage or sewer back-ups.
Hopefully the weather will settle down and dry out soon ~ we had a winter storm warning up here yesterday and received 5 inches of "spring" snow (heavy, wet, & icy ~ yuck!).
Thanks for sharing ~ great quotes today = )
Blessings to you and yours!
I'm glad your daughter is okay! It's been so crazy here! April snow is no fun, either. Thank you, Deb!!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
I had no idea the weather was so crazy in the Chicago area and that flooding is happening! I think Boston and Texas has overtaken the news:/
Hope the rain stops and you get sun soon!
My recent post 9 Months
Oh, it's been a terrible week all across the country! I can barely stand to look at the news. 🙁 The rain stopped yesterday, and the forecast looks good!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Ready for this week to be over, that's for sure! Love that last quote!
My recent post I've got a new way to walk
Oh, me too, Alaina! 🙂
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Wow! You have such a great attitude about all of this. We were really lucky not to be affected. But what crazy weather! It was so warm last night, and then snow this morning!
My recent post Book Review: The Company
Ha. I'm pretty cranky right now. The sewer is at five feet below ground level, so we still can't use water. The guy from the water company said maybe a couple more days, and I should be grateful… our friends have a house right on the Des Plaines River that is completely flooded.
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
I hope things are better today. DesPlaines *always* floods!
My recent post My Week in Review: April 12 – 19, 2013
Things are better! Pictures tomorrow, hopefully!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
You are modeling such a great attitude!
Thanks you, Janice! I'm not always showing the same great attitude at home. It's hard to be without flushing toilets!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Oh my, I hope your sewer problems didn't interfere with your diy project! I live on top of a hill, so I don't expect any sewer problems out here. Everything just runs down…
My recent post 'Reflection'
My bathroom project is on hold! But I hope to get back to it soon….
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Oh, yuck! We live right next to the river but luckily enough we're high enough that rain doesn't effect us. We had some trouble with our plumbing about a month ago, though, and what a pain! Having an old house stinks sometimes 🙁
(And here in Pittsburgh we call creeks "cricks", not sure why.)
My recent post Help make this family complete
They are cricks in Minnesota and Central Illinois, too. 😉
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Glad to hear you didn't get flooded out! Thank goodness for neighbors… and cake. 🙂 I would have wanted to stay home too and keep an eye on things. Makes me glad I live surrounded by big fields (although we did get lakes from the melting just beyond our yard line).
My recent post Avalanche Averted
Big fields can definitely absorb more water than suburban lots!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Sorry to hear about the creek rising but I am thankful you are doing okay.
Thanks, Debby! I'm going to post some pictures tomorrow.
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Oh, you poor thing! I'm glad you didn't get totally flooded out but that is horrible (and hooray for neighbors who offer a shower and cake.) I hope you all caught a break today and things are drying out! –Lisa (Your C. S. Lewis quotation is one of my all time favorites!!)
My recent post Pinterest Nightmare #618: Color Paw Pet Nail Appliques
Things are drying out, and we are very lucky!
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
Glad you didn't get too much damage! My friend in Chicago posted some photos on Facebook of cars underwater and it was really scary! I think it was a rough week all around, and I'm looking forward to a fresh, new week. Hope that weather has cleared? We're getting a nice sunny day here and if you're not, I'll see if I can bounce that sunshine west to you!
My recent post Chickpeas and Jerry Garcia.
I saw some of those pictures in the news, too! I'll post some of my own tomorrow. 😉
My recent post And the Creek Did Rise…
I didn’t know you lived in Chicago. I live about two hours from you. :). We had flooding in out basement. We have a sump pump and the means to get it dry. Plus we live very high compared to most people in our town. The IL river has made other people’s lived way worse than mine, I am thinking!
I'm sorry to hear you got flooded 🙁 But totally understand why you'd want to stay in your house. I'd much rather be home if weird stuff is happening to my house! Great quotes, too 🙂
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