
My daughter Lily is very tenacious. When she decides to do something, there is no stopping her. She learned how to ride a two-wheel bike when she was five because she wanted to. Wearing a helmet and kneepads, she taught herself how to rollerblade, because she wanted to. Ed and I don’t know where she got this tenacity, but it’s serving her well.Now she’s 8, and she’s learning how to knit. I expect that she will be wearing a scarf before the winter is over.

Lily knitting

I haven’t been knitting this winter. Instead, I’ve been gaining weight. It must be all the hibernating I’ve been doing. And the nibbling. The peanut butter crust here; the piece of cheese there; the leftover Christmas chocolates late at night. I decided today I was going to walk. The sun is shining and the temperature is hovering at the freezing point. My goal was to walk my usual two miles, the miles I had mapped out when I was in training for a certain 39 mile walk.

From sump pumps streaming water to melting snowbanks, sidewalks in our neighborhood are covered with patches of ice. About halfway through my walk, I saw a big, slippery patch ahead. I decided to move to the street to avoid it. As I walked down a driveway, I didn’t notice a small patch of ice at the bottom of the concrete.

I. completely. wiped. out.

My foot slipped out from under me. My hip crashed to the ground, my shoulder bashed into the blacktop, and I was surprised that I had fallen down so suddenly and so completely. Like I was the Queen of the Trampoline, however, I bounced back up, brushed off my hands, and kept walking.

I contemplated going around the short way, heading for home. I shook out my hip and my shoulder, which felt pretty good, and decided to finish my walk.

I just turned 44, I’m overweight, and I’m going to feel that fall in the morning. But I know where Lily gets her tenacity.

From me.


46 Replies to “Tenacious”

  1. That is awesome that she is tenacious. Way to go Lily! Looks like she is doing a great job with her knitting.__Sorry about your fall. I am sure you will hurt tomorrow. ((HUGS))

  2. What a wonderful quality to have passed on to your daughter! It will serve her well. Hope you recover quickly from that fall.

  3. Ouch! I'm glad you were okay to keep on going. Take a nice, hot bath tonight, it won't be so bad in the morning. The shoulder bashing into the blacktop of a scary thing though. Love that your daughter is knitting at 8 years old!
    My recent post The Beginning

  4. Ouch, I also wiped out yesterday! Brusied but ok- love your story- and way to go Lily! What a wonderful trait to have!

  5. What a great little story!
    First off I love that your daughter is taking up knitting! What a sweetheart she is!
    And second, good for you. I'm glad you recognized your own tenacity. 🙂
    My recent post Runaway

  6. Your daughter sounds awesome! Also, this slipping on ice business is one of the main reasons I'm against moving to a snowy climate. I'm way too clumsy without ice patches. Hope you don't find too many bruises in the morning!

  7. Ouch. The streets in my neighborhood are a complete disaster too. I had a major wipe-out last week, and I'm still hurting!

  8. I took two of those spills last week! 42 and ice don’t mix, what happened to those days when we were made of rubber??

    Shake it off! That’s what I say!

  9. Love this! I'm trying to get myself in better shape too. And it's also super icy around here!

    I'm very impressed your daughter is learning to knit! Darling photo. Believe it or not, my college-age son started learning a couple of years ago. Funny.

    And being a bit tenacious comes in quite handy at times.
    My recent post These Things of the Heart

  10. Hope you don't feel it too much more in the morning… You go, girl!

    And I love that your little girl is learning to knit — those are the things I hope stick around!

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