Last Day for NaBloPoMo 2012

My husband is breathing a sigh of relief right now. This is the last day of National Blog Posting Month, and I’ve written a post once a day for the whole month. Whew! I’m a little sad it’s over. November has been a wonderful month! I’ve had over 2,500 views this month, which for my small blog is unbelievable! I’ve written a total of 8,360 words. Not much compared to the 50,000 words that National Novel Writer’s Month participants had to write, but still–a lot of words!

I enjoyed typing away late at night, even though I was tired the next morning. I enjoyed wondering what I would come up with next, and surprised myself with some fairly decent posts at the last minute. I loved being part of a NaBloPoMo grid at Yeah Write, and I made connections with some wonderful bloggers. I know that I’ll continue to visit their blogs even though NaBloPoMo is over!

I tried to think outside of the box for my posts. The best part of “The Twenty Third of the Month” is not my words, but the words I asked my readers to write in the comments. My eight-year-old daughter wrote this post about What to do With Leftover Pumpkin. (Was that cheating? Just a little? I don’t feel too bad because I doubled-posted on Nov. 19. That’s right, I published 31 posts for NaBloPoMo.)

This month, I was the featured blogger on SITS, and a post I entered in the Yeah Write 84 Open Grid came in second place.

Yeah, I nailed it!

Congratulations to all of you who nailed NaBloPoMo, too!


20 Replies to “Last Day for NaBloPoMo 2012”

  1. You had an awesome month, Ginny. I can't believe you wrote that many words! I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you better. You totally deserved your Yeah Write accolades! I, too, has some pretty decent last minute posts and ideas. That really surprised me. I feel I've grown as a writer and grown better at writing. See you soon!

  2. Yea! You made it! Well done. And of course it is not cheating if you let your daughter write a post. If my cats could write I would have let them write half of mine! Because I managed it as well, although not for NaBloPoMo, since of course I don't live in the US, but in a fairly long country in Europe.

    My recent post So, about Norway then…

  3. You *did* nail it! Go, girl! "The Twenty-Third of the Month" was an awesome post, and having Lily post was really original. A belated congratulations on placing 2nd on the challenge grid. I am so glad November is over!!! Wait, did I really just say that? lol
    My recent post Friday Fragments, November 23-30

  4. Congratulations! Way to go on meeting the challenge for the month of November and on coming in 2nd. I've made reading your blog part of my lunchtime "break" between school and picking up the kids. You are a great writer with some beautiful insights, and I enjoy my lunchtime moment with your blog very much!

  5. Yay for new connections! You did nail it! I was very impressed by your 2nd place on your first time on the grid! It took me a very long time to come in second (which I've done twice – never first though!). I hope you keep showing up at yeah write!
    My recent post A Little Twinge

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