The Birthday Cake

My little Lily loves to design her own cakes. Last year, for her fifth birthday, she had her cake all planned out. It was going to be in the shape of a butterfly, topped with a picture of Buddy the T-Rex from Dinosaur Train. I drew the outline of a butterfly for her, and she drew the picture of Buddy.
When it came time to actually frost her cake, Lily decided that she was going to add the decorations herself. Buddy went by the wayside.
This year, Lily drew her cake design picture weeks in advance. Can you guess who it is?
Yes, that is supposed to be Ariel…the Little Mermaid. Ed kept saying this version of Ariel looks like a gourd from VeggieTales, and I kept shushing him.
I decorated Lily’s cake the night before our family birthday party. It took me hours…please don’t report my cake to Cake Wrecks! (Fortunately, Jen only blogs about professional cakes gone wrong!)
I didn’t know how to do her hands, so her arms kind of disappear into nothing-ness! Lily really wanted to have her tail on the cake, so it was all of Ariel or nothing. And, um, that blue blob-i-ness is supposed to be a shell. Yikes.
I think Lily was pleased with the results, though.
And that’s all that matters to me!

11 Replies to “The Birthday Cake”

  1. That is awesome that she designs her own cakes… how creative! And what are you talking about, that Ariel looks professionally done.

  2. The cake looks great! My personal test is always to ask the birthday kid if they recognize who is on the cake. If they recognize the character, then I did a good job. :)I can tell from the smile on her face that your daughter loved it!

  3. It came out beautiful. I think you did an awesome job. As soon as I saw here drawing the Little Mermaid came to mind.

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