Meme’s the Word! (July 4 – July 10)

Sometimes a great idea for a meme is born, but it doesn’t quite make it. A while back, another blogger had what I thought was a great idea for a meme…Theme Song Thursdays! So I went on a search for my favorite theme songs from shows I watched as a kid. The meme never got off the ground, so I never posted those songs.

One of the earliest shows I remember watching was this one. I might have been watching reruns, though, because this show ended in 1975, when I was only 6 years old! Here is the theme song for Adam-12:

What were some of your favorite TV shows as a kid? Don’t forget…link up your favorite meme posts below!

6 Replies to “Meme’s the Word! (July 4 – July 10)”

  1. My favourite shows were Sesame Street (Dutch version) and several Dutch shows. Oh, and the Muppets. I loved those! Still do as a matter of fact.

  2. I was a faithful watcher of that show, but I never really thought the song was so great LOL I like the Andy Griffith whistle song. Love it still.

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