Random Tuesday Thoughts

Last week, Ed called the exterminator. I had at least twenty bees in my laundry room, and enough was enough. The exterminator showed me a queen bee, and said there were usually a few queens in a nest.

The next day, I found a queen bee in the laundry room, trying to escape. I squished her in a paper towel, and said regretfully, “One queen bee to another–I’m just protecting my hive!” (I really didn’t say that out loud. That would be a little crazy.) (If I admitted I said it out loud, would you really think I was crazy? Because I didn’t, honest!)

Our favorite Mac ‘n Cheese is NOT Kraft. The girls love President’s Choice White Cheddar–it’s the bee’s knees! So when I couldn’t find it at the grocery store during the last couple of shopping trips, I had Ed look into it. Here’s the response he got:

Thank you for contacting us regarding the availability of the President’s Choice Cheddar Macaroni and Cheese. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. This label will no longer be available in our Jewel Stores, it will only be available in Canada. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Ahem, Keely? I have this favor to ask you….

In the event that Keely doesn’t come through with PC Mac ‘n Cheese for me my daughters, do you have a brand of mac ‘n cheese that you prefer? Those Kraft noodles are just too limp and mushy for my the girls’ taste.

Bees and Mac ‘n Cheese. That’s all I’ve got for today! If that’s not random enough for you, go see the Queen of Random, Keely at The Un-Mom.

Have a great Tuesday!

12 Replies to “Random Tuesday Thoughts”

  1. i don't know if i've seen a queen bee. how do they look different than a regular bee? you would be crazy if you DIDN'T say that out loud. our favorite mac n cheese is kraft easy mac that comes in little (recyclable) microwavable cups.

  2. I have heard that Annie's Mac n Cheese (It's like organic or something) is good though I have not tried it myself.Bee's suck, there's really no other way to put that.I love being first somewhere, it's like fresh paper and newly sharpened pencil.Happy RTT!

  3. Bex–Queen bees are twice as big as regular bees. They are a little scary!Andrea–I love your fresh paper theory! You'll have to use that again, when you're actually first! πŸ˜‰

  4. i am scared of bees…they stung me when i was 8 or 9…i did not even watch the bee movie…lol!visitng through random tuesday..

  5. Really? I thought there was only ever ONE. Y'know, because that's what makes her the QUEEN.And yes, I will totally ship you the goods.

  6. I trust Keely to follow through on this. If she doesn't, just post pictures of your little angels pouting and she'll overnight it. πŸ™‚

  7. I've never heard of that brand. I went and checked and can't find it in the US. Now I want to try it.My husband was in Canada last week!

  8. Well, thank you for making me salivate for something that I cannot possibly experience without traveling to Canada!Do you have a Whole Foods nearby? Their mac n cheese is pretty dang delicious.

  9. Isn't it funny how bees make something we love, honey, but we don't want their company in our laundry rooms. We love you, but we have to kill you. And the Mac&Cheese issue, what are they saying to you, "we know you love our Mac&Cheese, but you can't have any." Isn't it ironic?

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