Book Nook: My Summer Reads

I signed up for our library’s adult summer reading program the same day I signed my kids up for their program, and because I participated, I read some books I might not have otherwise read. The adult program was just what I needed: something to get me out of my rut of reading books from the mystery section!

Appaloosa Appaloosa by Robert B. Parker

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
As part of my summer reading program, I was challenged to read a book from a different genre than I usually do. I immediately thought “Western,” since that is the absolutely last genre I would read voluntarily.

I have read many of Robert B. Parker’s other books, and Appaloosa is written in the same style as his many other crime books, but in a different setting. As usual, once I started reading I couldn’t put it down.

A Good Indian Wife: A Novel A Good Indian Wife: A Novel by Anne Cherian

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book explores the conflict between arranged marriages and marrying for love. But that’s not all; Anne Cherian writes about so much more; family expectations; fidelity; and being comfortable in one’s own skin. Even though the ending was predictable, I really enjoyed this book.

Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love Hands of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love by Myron Uhlberg

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I also needed to read a non-fiction book for my reading program, and so I naturally leaned toward a memoir. Myron Uhlberg writes about the difficulties of being a hearing child with two deaf parents. In the outside world, he needs to be a translator for his parents and is put in adult situations that children normally would not face. At home, he is a child of his parents. This dual life leads to some resentment, but in the end, Myron loves his parents dearly for who they are.

What summer books have you been reading?

11 Replies to “Book Nook: My Summer Reads”

  1. These look like great reads. I really have only been reading childrens books with my son! I need to find some books of my own. I read one Hard Case Crime Novel and that was about it. I'm such a loser! :-)Recent blog:=- Guilty!

  2. That third one looks great, I might pick it up in the off chance that I get to read something before my kids go off to college. Recent undefined:=-

  3. i was really interested in the good indian wife but it got so many mixed reviews. of course, before i had kids, i would just try reading anything but now my time is so limited i want to make sure i am reading something worth while. i read a jen lancaster book by recommendation from the stiletto mom. she's really funny but sometimes a little too shallow for me. i found myself rolling my eyes at her. have read some christian living books currently reading the latest no 1 ladies detective agency. have read a ton of kids books. any ideas on books for kids going into kinder? signed,bex (your sign in thingy was driving me crazy.)Recent undefined:=-

  4. JS-Kits just changed how to give comments! I didn't realize it! Sorry, Bex. I have to see if I can make it easier.I love the No. 1 Ladies detective agency. I'm not sure I've read the latest one yet. His other series are good, too.Lily love reading books about Biscuit, by A. Cappucilli. (He's a dog.) They are very simple books, and I don't like them very much, but she loves them! They are for beginning readers, so that might be perfect for your kindergartener. She also loves all things Richard Scarry!Recent undefined:=-

  5. Reading books with your son doesn't make you a loser! 😉 I was able to readon vacation this summer; yippee!

  6. Ooh, I have been reading those Patricia Cornwall Scarpetta books that Lawyer Mom recommended. Very fun beach reading! The weightier book I just finished was Perfection, that memoir by the woman who found out her husband had been having like 5 affairs. She found out after he dropped dead. Fun!Also, I just saw the movie of Appaloosa and loved it.Recent blog:=- Ask Suburban Matron: Guest Room "Relations"

  7. I didn't even know Appaloosa was a movie! I'll have to watch it. I like Patricia Cornwall, although I've only read one or two of her books. Too many books to read, not enough time!

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