So, here I am on a Monday night, with free time and an available computer, but nothing much to write. So if I keep typing, maybe something will come to me.
So…it’s swimming suit season again, huh? It takes time for me to get used to baring my fat, white, wobbly thighs in public again. At the beginning of swimsuit season I always forget to shave my legs. I usually haven’t shaved them all winter, so it’s hard to get into the habit again.
I was checking myself out in the car window the other day. It was sunny outside, and I was standing in the driveway, so the window was like a mirror. I was staring at my chest. Ed was wondering what the heck I was doing. I replied “Looking at my symmetry.” He nodded knowingly.
I have an appointment on Wednesday to renew my symmetry. In May, I completely weaned Emmy. Now that I’m not nursing anymore, my left boob is way bigger than my right. Why, you ask? Due to my mastectomy, my left boob is fake, and my right boob is natural. So I’m going to go buy a smaller left boob on Wednesday. I’m going to a special boutique for a fitting. This time around, I’m not going to rely on the internet!
Too bad I can’t swap these huge thighs for smaller, perfectly shaped thighs.
Writing about my thighs reminds me of my big cushy butt. Lily has lately gotten into the habit of hugging me from behind, and she is just the right height to give my butt a nice, big squeeze. She tells me, “I love hugging your big butt, Mom.” I just wish she wouldn’t say it so loudly while we’re in line at the grocery store.
For more randomness, go see Keely over at The Un-Mom!
You've got the random thing down ;D A boutique for bathingsuitable bits…hmmm… So, would they ask "Do you want thighs with that?" ;)Recent blog:=- Monday's Muse – Art On The Darkside
Me & summer don't mix anymore. At 57 you just don't want to see me in a swimsuit! I was just reading about your mastectomy and I'm glad your a surviver. Praise God.Recent blog:=- FOR YOUR TEARS
I don't even consider being in a swimsuit anymore although that SlimDress I see on the internet might be an option. But, seriously are anybody's thighs perfect? I suspect that even up close models have their problems. (At least I hope so. ;))Recent blog:=- A Little Bit o' Random on a Tuesday
Thanks! I'm 13 years cancer free this month!
I think models definitely have their "problem areas" too!
FoN asked me if I wanted to go to the beach this weekend. You just made me realize I might have to go get a bathing suit, first. Gah.Recent blog:=- Well, fire's not THAT bad, but the tree IS pretty: Random Tuesday Thoughts
Sigh. I hate shaving my legs, the heat and all the beach going has forced me in to smoother territories unfortunately.I'd love to swap my thighs for lean perfectly shaved ones that didn't chafe in the middle, let me know if you find any good internet deals.Recent undefined:=-
LOL! :-DRecent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: Symmetry
Shopping for a bathing suit is NOT my kind of shopping! Good luck!Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: Symmetry
Not having to shave my legs is one reason I love winter! ;)Recent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: Symmetry
Can you get smaller butts at this boutique? Just wondering. What a brave thing to do, by the way…with the masectomy. I went back and read your story … yet I still misspelled masectomy….and yet again. Well, you know waht I meant. What I meant. Ugh! I'm going to give up now.Recent blog:=- Playground flirt and making friends
Stop it! You're making me laugh!
'i'm going to buy a smaller left boob…' in all seriousness, did you ever think that sentence would escape your keyboard? no? mine either, but never say never. Recent blog:=- RTT: Belated HASAY and random movie thoughts and more
After writing that whole paragraph, I did hesitate before clicking "publish post!" But hey, why not? And I really did buy a smaller boob yesterday! :-PRecent blog:=- Random Tuesday Thoughts: Symmetry