Random Tuesday Thoughts: The Grocery Store

Today I’m feeling terse. Short. Clipped. Choppy. Straight to the point. Winter blah-y. Uninspired.

Blogs are supposed to have catchy titles. Titles that grab people’s eye and make them want to read more. See the best I could do today? BORING.

I only go in the south door at the grocery store. That’s where I park, and that’s where I come out. Why? Because the north door has a nasty bump where the concrete meets the blacktop that I always hit with the cart, jerk to a stop, give Emmy whiplash, and have to lean down on the cart’s handle to try to make it over the bump without upsetting the cart. I hate the north door.

Mary bags my groceries sometimes. She plopped the potatoes right on top of the rolls yesterday. But I don’t care. She kisses Emmy right on the forehead and thinks she’s cute. Mary has Down’s. One of the things I like about my grocery store is that they hire people with different challenges in life.

I wanted to buy the store brand Sloppy Joe seasoning packet. 10 for $10.00. I only wanted one. But all the packets on the shelf were torn and the seasoning was scattered everywhere. My kids didn’t do it. Honest. So I had to buy the name brand packet. 3 for $5.00. Grrr.

You know it’s a long winter when a trip to the grocery store is the only thing happening in my life. Talk about cabin fever. I really need to get out.

Check out Keely’s random thoughts over at the Un-Mom. She’s sure to be more interesting than me.

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