Sometimes traveling with kids is a real challenge. The missed nap times, the resulting meltdowns, the whining, the identical kids’ menus at every single restaurant….
I wouldn’t call traveling with kids easy, but I’ve found that the fun times outweigh the negatives. And sometimes, the things that you do “for the kids” really turn out to be a lot of fun for the parents, too!
We took an authentic hayride in the mountains, with “real” cowboys driving the horses.
My dad came along, and couldn’t get enough of the Belgians pulling our wagon.
Lily loved the yellow cowboy boots and fringed chaps one cowboy wore.
While Emmy wouldn’t let the other cowboy hold her on his knee for our picture, she did eat plenty of roasted marshmallows!
That night, it took a little while for the girls to calm down and go to sleep!
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