Random Tuesday Thoughts: Too Much Salad!

Ed ended the weekend by telling me he’s got to eat better. On Saturday he ate his weight in Whoppers (that’s hard to do–malt balls aren’t exactly the heftiest candy). On Sunday, I made him a yolk-in-the-middle for breakfast, we stopped for burritos after church, and went to his sister’s to eat bratwurst for dinner.

Last night Ed walks into the kitchen while I’m chopping up vegetables for dinner. He looks longingly at the stove. There’s nothing there. No pots or pans. He says, “Whatcha doing?” I say, “Making dinner.” It dawns on him that we’re having salad for dinner, and he is none too pleased. I say, “I’m going to put chicken on it, and we have croutons.” Ed still pouts. “Do you want a cheese stick with your salad?” That’s better, but he is still not happy with my choice of dinner. “You said you wanted to eat better!” I retort. “Well, yeah, but I didn’t really mean it!” he says back. He is a meat and potatoes and more potatoes guy, and when I don’t supply enough carbs he tends to get a little cranky.

Crabby Bunny

I want to start cooking healthier meals, but once the cold weather starts I turn to creamy casseroles and soups. Mmmm…comfort food. Grilling in the summer makes healthy cooking a whole lot easier. I really need a few good recipes–the baked chicken breasts I made last week flopped. They were dry like the desert. Ed brags that I’m a good cook, but I haven’t been lately.

On to other randomness…I have half my kitchen windows washed. I have half my daughter’s birthday invitations filled out. I have half my Halloween decorations put away. See a trend here? Either I am easily distracted, or I have two small children who are always bugging me. Or both.

At least Ed is the crabby one this week, and not me! I think he’s coming down from his Whoppers high….

For more Random Tuesday Thoughts, visit Keely at The Un-Mom!

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Afternoon Edition

It was cold this morning, and I was a bit crabby. Not bone-shivering body achingly cold, just chilly. We’ve had the heat on for a while here in the Midwest, and when I got home from dropping Lily off at preschool and looked at the thermostat, it read only 62 degrees. For some reason the furnace wasn’t kicking on, and it had been working just fine overnight. So I called the fix-it man, and he came right over. There was just some gunk on a connection that he cleaned up, so THAT’s taken care of.

I know, I lead an exciting life. You just couldn’t wait for this afternoon edition of my RTT’s because they are always just so riveting.

I mopped the kitchen floor yesterday. And just now, I took Emmy out of her booster seat and a cascade of noodles, Parmesan cheese and brownie bits showered down onto the floor. Yes, that made me crabby, too. Especially when she decided to stomp on the noodles just to make sure they are extra hard to clean up. I’m just one big ol’ crab cake today.

The girls have been watching Clifford on PBS lately, and for some reason I started wondering how Clifford got his name. Then I wondered who else had the name Clifford, or Cliff, and the only person I could think of was Bill Cosby’s character on the Cosby show.

Last night while I was watching TV with Ed, my ear lobe started to hurt. Way back in college, I had a second hole pierced into my left ear, but I haven’t worn an earring in that hole for years. Then last night it looked like it was infected. There was pus and everything! Which, of course, brought to mind the Cosby Show episode where Theo pierced his ear and he tried to hide it from his parents. Not only that, but then it gets infected. Kind of like my ear. Just another reason to be crabby.

To get uncrabby random Tuesday thoughts, visit Keely at The Un-Mom!