Random Tuesday Thoughts: Too Much Salad!

Ed ended the weekend by telling me he’s got to eat better. On Saturday he ate his weight in Whoppers (that’s hard to do–malt balls aren’t exactly the heftiest candy). On Sunday, I made him a yolk-in-the-middle for breakfast, we stopped for burritos after church, and went to his sister’s to eat bratwurst for dinner.

Last night Ed walks into the kitchen while I’m chopping up vegetables for dinner. He looks longingly at the stove. There’s nothing there. No pots or pans. He says, “Whatcha doing?” I say, “Making dinner.” It dawns on him that we’re having salad for dinner, and he is none too pleased. I say, “I’m going to put chicken on it, and we have croutons.” Ed still pouts. “Do you want a cheese stick with your salad?” That’s better, but he is still not happy with my choice of dinner. “You said you wanted to eat better!” I retort. “Well, yeah, but I didn’t really mean it!” he says back. He is a meat and potatoes and more potatoes guy, and when I don’t supply enough carbs he tends to get a little cranky.

Crabby Bunny

I want to start cooking healthier meals, but once the cold weather starts I turn to creamy casseroles and soups. Mmmm…comfort food. Grilling in the summer makes healthy cooking a whole lot easier. I really need a few good recipes–the baked chicken breasts I made last week flopped. They were dry like the desert. Ed brags that I’m a good cook, but I haven’t been lately.

On to other randomness…I have half my kitchen windows washed. I have half my daughter’s birthday invitations filled out. I have half my Halloween decorations put away. See a trend here? Either I am easily distracted, or I have two small children who are always bugging me. Or both.

At least Ed is the crabby one this week, and not me! I think he’s coming down from his Whoppers high….

For more Random Tuesday Thoughts, visit Keely at The Un-Mom!

12 Replies to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: Too Much Salad!”

  1. I'm in the same boat as far wanting to eat healthy. I'm just not sure how much I mean it either. ;)Now I'm in the mood for potatoes.

  2. Eating healthy always SOUNDS like a good idea… until you see what's for dinner. Not your fault… that's healthy food for you.Off to find some of those Whoppers you speak of…

  3. GINNY! I missed you. Thank you for commenting on all my posts-I think I'm finally coming out of the fog.I have to laugh at the parallels between your post and my family-I? Get everything half-done. My husband? Must be appeased with meat, more meat, potatoes and more potatoes. Which is tricky because he's diabetic. Needless to say, he's grumpy a lot! LOL!Happy RTT!

  4. Potatoes ARE sounding really good right now! But I was just thinking the same thing (about eating better) last night, when I caught a glimpse of my belly in the mirror. Ugh. And it's swimsuit season here. I say again: ugh.

  5. MM, baked potatoes…I wish I had made it to the store today. I have sour cream and cheddar and leftover homemade chili…mmm, chili with sour cream and cheddar cheese and french fried onions….mm, green been casserole….See I'm screwed. Cold weather = warm food!

  6. You can cook healthy food for me if you want. I don't want it but I need it so I'll eat it. I matched Ed's and my combined weight in candy last weekend.

  7. The egg in the middle sounds good.It is harder to cook in the winter.Most of my jobs are half done too, I get side tracked really easy!

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