When I sit down to write my Random Tuesday Thoughts, I often feel Seinfeld-esque. It always seems to be a post about nothing. It’s amazing how difficult it can be for me to come up with a whole lot of nothing.
Last week, a mongo SUV drove past me. The license plate read “RESP ME.” Do you think that means respect me? How can I respect you, Mr. SUV, when you’re weaving through traffic and talking on your cell phone? I caught up with him at the stop light. HA – guess I showed him!
Today is my favorite day in February: Groundhog Day. (Oh, puh-lease, Valentine’s Day is simply too mushy and sentimental. Nobody really likes Valentine’s Day. Except for the chocolate getting part. I’ll give you that.) An article in the paper yesterday noted that some wildlife experts disapprove of Groundhog Day because groundhogs’ hibernation shouldn’t be interrupted. You know, for all of you who are going to go in search of a groundhog today to rouse him from his sleep. Don’t do it! The Chicago Tribune also felt it was necessary to report that groundhogs “don’t, however, predict the weather very accurately.” Um, yes, I think I figured that out. Thank you for your investigative prowess.
I absolutely adore groundhogs. I used to see them all the time when I lived out in the country. Just look at that groundhog up there – how could you resist that cute, pudgy little rodent?
We watched Mary Poppins last week. Remember the ending song, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite”? This weekend, I bought the girls helium balloons for Lily’s birthday party. So all day they’ve been running around the house, their balloons flying behind them, pretending to fly kites. I absolutely adore my two girls. Even more than groundhogs. Even more than chocolate.

(Oh, and the real reason Groundhog Day is my favorite day in February? It’s my birthday. Forget all that stuff I wrote about Valentine’s Day, ‘kay?)