Completely Random Tuesday Thoughts

  • The temperature is above freezing today, so chunks of ice and snow are falling off of all the tree branches. The ice hitting our car roof as we drive through the neighborhood makes it sound like we’re driving through a hail storm.
  • Lately I’ve been feeling like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland…”I’m late! I’m late!” If I’m always running late, how will I ever catch up?
  • Maybe I need to take notes from Aesop’s Tortoise. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
  • I don’t think this philosophy is valid during the Olympics.
  • I’m thinking I should start spring cleaning now. Once spring actually arrives, I’ll want to be outside, not inside, cleaning.
  • Have I ever actually spring cleaned? Hmm.
  • Whenever we have rice for dinner, half of the girls’ servings end up on the floor. It’s so sticky that it’s hard to sweep or vacuum up. Same with grated cheese or spaghetti. Makes me wonder: Is it worth getting a dog to eat all the food the girls drop on the floor?
  • If I get one more follower, I’ll be at an even 60! Whoo-hoo!
  • Remember being assigned a 500 word essay, and then counting every single word as you wrote to make sure your essay was long enough? That’s how I feel today. Is this post long enough to qualify for Random Tuesday Thoughts? And does “whoo-hoo” count as one word or two?

Now go read some more of these:


over at Professor Keely’s blog here:

The Un Mom

Random Tuesday Thoughts: Shout It Out! Or Not….

I rarely take the time to spot-clean my children’s clothes, and I always regret it when I’m folding their stained little shirts. *sigh*

Do you see that picture of my knitting over in the sidebar? Are you wondering how far I am with that project? If I were to take a picture of where I am now, it would look exactly the same. Not because I haven’t been working on it…I have! However, I was unhappy with how it looked after I experimented with some different stitches, and it also had some big holes. So I unraveled it and started over. All in the name of Practice Makes Perfect!

It’s snowing! It’s snowing! I love snow! I’m among the few–don’t look at me like that! I would much rather have a nice, white blanket of snow on the ground than the dead, brown grass. And yes, I do go out to shovel.

I must have cabin fever…I’m writing about laundry, knitting, and snow. Ah, yes, the exciting life and times of a stay-at-home mom. At least some of you get to gripe about work on your blogs. A job makes for nice blogging fodder.

Whew! Just got back from taking Lily to preschool. About three inches and still falling fast…and no plowed roads! At least the parking lot was plowed.

OK, all you East Coasters. Go ahead and tell me: You’ve got it worse! (I agree with you!)

Now go read some more of these:


over here:

The Un Mom