I just rescued a lightning bug that flew into our kitchen via our holey screen window. I tossed it outside. I just can’t bear to kill a lightning bug. I have no problems killing flies or spiders, but lightning bugs? They are just so slow! It’s almost like they are begging to be caught. They want to be put into a jar. It’s a little mini vacation for them. The five-star jar has grass, leaves, and even little drops of water for them. The owner of this jar lets the fireflies out at the end of the evening. A bargain motel jar is very plain, and the owner only lets the fireflies out in the morning, or perhaps a kind parent secretly opens the jar after the owner’s bedtime. The Bate’s Hotel? A jar with no holes in the lid. Poor firefly.
One of my credit card bills was due today. Yes, I paid it in time. August 4. Who came up with that date? The 4th? Shouldn’t the due date be one that makes sense, like the first of the month, when rents are due? How about the 15th, the middle of the month, or the 25th, the end of the month? The 4th of the month seems so random.
My 4 year old never wants to eat breakfast, even when I put something in front of her, and then she gets super crabby because she hasn’t eaten. She’s been having terrible tantrums because she wants to do things HER WAY! Sorry, Lily, I’m just not going to let you watch six hours of TV in a day. She threw such a fit yesterday that I took TV away for today. That means less blogging time for me. This morning she asked me, “May I pinch your eye?” At least her grammar is correct.
Now I have to actually go play with my kids since the TV MUST STAY OFF!
Want more random? Go see Keely over at The Un-Mom!