She gave me the small tin as a stocking stuffer. I don’t know how many years ago it was. The tin has a cute drawing on the cover with the word “FAMILY” and inside are a bunch of safety pins.
My sister, who received the same tin, and I teased my mom. What in the world would we use all those safety pins for? Mom just laughed and said she thought the tin was cute. Everyone can use safety pins, right?
That safety pin tin found a home in my top dresser drawer. I pulled it out every once in a while; I used big ones to cinch up waist bands that were too big for my little Lily’s waist. I used medium sized pins for Lily and Emmy’s bat costumes this Halloween. Today, I really found myself in need of safety pins. A LOT of safety pins.
It was something that simple math could have told me. I needed to baste together my quilt top with the batting and back fabric. The pins were supposed to be about 4 inches apart on my throw-sized quilt. Never having made a quilt before, I bought a box of 100 quilting pins.
I ran out of pins not even halfway through. I thought about running back to the fabric store, but that quilt was taped to my kitchen floor, the kids were coming home from school in less than an hour and I needed to make dinner.
I ransacked my top dresser drawer and found the little tin that said “FAMILY.”
And thought of Mom while I pinned the rest of that quilt together.