The Summer Cold

It’s inevitable when you are the mom of two little girls AND a preschool teacher. The germs are going to catch up with you no matter how much you wash your hands and take your vitamins. It happened to me on Sunday evening.

It’s the dreaded summer cold.

Technically, it’s not summer. Our weather in Northern Illinois, however, has been beautiful. We’ve had a long stretch of warm, sunny days. Days that are perfect for throwing open the windows and letting the house air out. Lily, Emmy and I are finally getting used to our new Fall schedule. Lily has been getting used to her heavier load of third grade homework (although last night was a little rough). Emmy has taken her first spelling tests and has shown that she is going to be a great speller just like her big sister. (Spelling and I have never gotten along–they must get the spelling gene from their father!)

My job has changed as well. Last year, I taught only two mornings a week. This year, I am now teaching five days a week. Yes, it is a big change, but I love what I do!

Even though we’ve had open windows and outdoor recess and beautiful weather, when a bunch of kids start spending time together in a small space, germs start spreading. Lily had the snuffles last week, and a couple of my little students have already stayed home with a little cold. Sunday night I started to get snuffly myself. I tried to fortify myself with an extra dose of Vitamin C, but I’ve already gone through a whole box of tissues. Yesterday afternoon I got home from work, ate lunch and promptly put myself down for a nap. You can do that when you feel sick.

Fortunately, this cold seems to be pretty tame, and I’m feeling much better today. Hurray!
My new first grader and third grader, ready for the first day of school!

How are you today? I hope you have managed to dodge the summer cold germs!


NOT What You Think About in Spring

It’s finally Spring! When I asked people what they thought about when they heard the word “Spring” a couple of weeks ago, I got a lot of fun answers. Bounce, flowers, warm, hurry and PLEASE were just a few of the answers. One answer I did NOT get was…the stomach flu.

Easter Sunday, our household was hit by that terrible germ. Only Lily got sick, but boy oh boy, did she get sick. I knew she wasn’t feeling well when she wanted to go upstairs and lie down. At 4:00 in the afternoon! That is not like my Lily at all, especially since we had the family over for Easter dinner! Not long after she decided to rest, she came down to get me. “Mommy, I just threw up two times.”

Oh, my, not the words I wanted to hear as I was preparing food for 10 people! Being eight years old, however, she did make it to the bathroom on time. Ed stayed up in her room with her, reading and consoling her, while I carried on below. She was up quite a few times that night, and her stomach didn’t settle until Tuesday morning.

Fortunately, this bout of tummy trouble didn’t happen until AFTER Lily had some Easter fun. On Saturday, the girls went with Ed to our church’s Easter Egg Hunt, and they came home with their baskets OVERFLOWING with eggs.
An Easter Bunny hug for my two girls!
The bunny with my honey

Another blessing: it’s Friday, Lily is back to her normal happy and healthy self, and NO ONE else has gotten sick. I’m crossing my fingers and knocking on wood!

How has your Spring been so far?

Second Blooming
