Rainy Halloween

Halloween this year was flanked by two beautiful, sunny Fall days. Halloween itself, however, was not so nice. In fact, it was just plain nasty. Between cold temps and the rain, the adults couldn’t win. To the kids, however, the weather didn’t matter. They just wanted to go trick-or-treating with each other, and run around the neighborhood like crazy, ringing doorbells and collecting candy. The cold drizzle didn’t bother them one bit. Us moms kept commenting that at least it wasn’t as cold as last year, when there were snow flurries fluttering around us all afternoon. Plus, there was a hot crock pot full of chili waiting in my kitchen, along with “mummy” dogs for Lily and Emmy since they don’t care for my chili even in cold weather.

spy under umbrella

How was your Halloween? Was it rainy or sunny?

(It’s November 1st, and time for NaBloPoMo! Look for another blog post tomorrow. Shocking, I know!)




Halloween Show ‘n Tell 2014 {Spin Cycle}

I knew it was going to be cold on Halloween this year. But I didn’t expect to wake up to snow!

snowy Halloween

Earlier in the week it had been quite a bit warmer, which was wonderful for the annual Pumpkin Patch at Lily and Emmy’s school. Kids can decorate pumpkins (but not carve them) and bring them to school for a contest. Well, it used to be a contest, but this year it was just a pumpkin show. As we were bringing our pumpkins to school, one of the moms we ran into told me she was glad she only had a couple more years of decorating pumpkins. She and her husband had stayed up late painting her daughter’s pumpkin!

I just give each kid a pumpkin and some paint, and tell them they’re on their own. It works for them.

Lily and her vampire bat pumpkin
Lily and her vampire bat pumpkin
Emmy and her witch
Emmy and her witch

On Halloween, I sent them to school in their costumes, another new policy at our school. Everything I did that day was Halloween-y. First was the Halloween party at my preschool, which was a huge success thanks to our awesome parent volunteers. After work, I went to Lily and Emmy’s school for their Halloween parade. It was so cold outside that the parade had to be in the gym. The kids went to their classrooms for their Halloween parties, and then had an early dismissal. Finally, it was time for the main event of the day; trick-or-treating!

pinkie pie and bat

Oh. my. word. So. much. candy!

I’m still helping my kids eat their Milky Ways and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! How was your Halloween? Link up your Halloween recaps here!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

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