Generally, I’m not a fan of the phrase “TGIF.” I think it’s because it’s been overused; it’s been made so trivial; not a real “thank you” to God. The saying “TGIF” doesn’t do much for me.

My first journal started as a “gratitude journal.” It was about a year after I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and I was having trouble with depression and fears of the cancer coming back. I heard (probably on Oprah) that I should write down five positive things that had happened during my day so I could focus on the positive and get rid of my worries.

Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of stress, and my emotions are like a yo-yo. It’s come to a point where I need to start a gratitude journal again. I need to think about the good things in life that keep me going instead of letting my worries pile up. (I’m a chronic worrier, and mostly my worries never happen or can be easily taken care of. But still, I worry!)

So on this snowy day in the Midwest, (will this snow EVER melt?) here’s a thank you list.

Thanks be to God:

that I didn’t crash the car while driving home from choir rehearsal late Wednesday night during a snowstorm.

that my dad was visiting on the day Ed was gone from 6 in the morning until 9 at night; he shoveled our driveway for me!

for my awesome dinner at Steak ‘n Shake with my two girls last night! The Ultimate Girls Night Out! (Who needs margaritas? A vanilla shake will cheer up a girl any day!)

for my husband, who is my best friend and comforter; my guy who listens to my worries and doesn’t make me feel like an idiot for worrying.

for my sister, who listens to me ramble on and on about my worries.

What about you? Do you have anything weighing on your mind? What are you thankful for today?

Conversations Outside the Preschool Door: Do Your Kids Play with Toy Guns?

While I was in the bathroom yesterday morning, getting ready for church, Lily and Emmy were dancing in my bedroom, wearing their fancy dresses for church and their fairy wings. They pranced around, waving their fairy wands. All of a sudden, I heard Lily say, “You’re dead!” to Emmy. What? Did I hear that right?

I walked into the bedroom, and Lily had a small, orange water gun. She explained that they were playing “Good Fairy, Bad Fairy.” Emmy started whacking Lily with her fairy wand, and I confiscated it.

I had always been told that boys will pick up sticks to use as guns, or use their fingers to shoot their friends as they play. I never expected this from my girls! Here we were, preparing to go worship the Prince of Peace, and Lily and Emmy are running around pretending to kill each other!

While I didn’t actually take the water gun away, I stopped the game and we went downstairs to go to church. The rest of our day was relatively peaceful, if I don’t count the normal bickering and rough housing the girls do!

Do you let your children play pretend with guns, and let them “kill” each other? I’d like to hear your opinions!

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