When we moved into our house seven years ago, I was teaching full time. Not long after, I became pregnant. Life was busy, and my decorating skills are minimal, to say the least. I hated the ugly wooden blinds in our kitchen, but I didn’t take the time to change them.
Finally, this fall the blind on the left side broke, and I took it down. The time had come to get new window treatments. But then…life got crazy, again. And again. So the window has been bare for most of the winter. When Lily had a play date and her friend’s mom came over, I was so embarrassed. Her house is perfectly decorated; my house looks like a dump. She has granite counter tops and beautiful kitchen cabinets; my cabinets are original and falling apart. She has shiny hard wood floors; I have old brown apartment-style carpet. The least I could do was have something covering my naked windows!
My window frames are full of old holes, old spackle that has never been sanded, and are generally a mess. My first task was to fill the holes, sand them, and then paint the patches.
I procrastinated. I wanted my new curtains up by Easter, but I was afraid of the drill. What if I picked the wrong bit size? What if I drilled in the wrong spot? WHAT IF THE WALL FELL DOWN?
My desire for new curtains finally overcame my drill fears, and yesterday I made the plunge. It was an all day project with interruptions from the girls, (you know, they had to be fed and all that) but I did it!
Next…I’m tackling the dining room windows!