Clash of the Couples Is On Sale!

Clash of the Couples really is a labor of love. How can that be possible when it’s full of stories about couples arguing? Let me tell you a secret: I’ve only read a few of the stories in this book! However, the ones I have read are told with humor and love! Every couple bickers from time to time…including me and Ed. This book sums up the way a partnership really works. The best way to get over an argument is to laugh about it!

Today you can download your very own copy of Clash of the Couples for just 99ยข! Let me tell you, after finding snow on the ground when I woke up and then finding out the heat didn’t work in my classroom, having Clash of the Couple end up on the bestseller list at Amazon would really make my day better!

Here’s a list of my hilarious co-contributors (they really are much funnier than I am):

Clash of the Couples contributors

Of course, if you decided to buy the paperback instead, I wouldn’t mind!

Clash of the Couples on Sale





Clash of the Couples is Here!

This past summer, Ed and I began brainstorming. My fabulous editor of The Mother of All Meltdowns, Crystal Ponti, was putting together another anthology and I wanted to be included! This time, however, we had to write a story about an argument we had. Ed and I don’t fight very often. But when we do fight, it’s usually not publishable material. Ed remembered an argument when we were going to through premarital counseling that I have no memory of, so that wouldn’t do. I remembered a huge fight that, just like Voldemort from Harry Potter, shouldn’t be named. There was no way I was writing about that one! And then there was the time I did go to bed angry, but I don’t remember what I was angry about.

That’s what Clash of the Couples is all about. Going to bed angry. Bickering over the little things, like how to load the dishwasher. Sweating over the small stuff and the big stuff, too.

What did I decide to write about? You’ll have to buy the book to find out!

Clash of the Couples

Thank you, Ed, husband dear, for helping me think of the story, for editing and proofreading my numerous drafts, and most of all, for not letting me go to bed angry.
