The Beginning of Lemon Drop Pie

Way back in 2008, I got this crazy idea to start my own blog. In this vlog, I tell you the humble beginnings of Lemon Drop Pie.

View video here.

In my vlog, I mention some bloggers I used to read (I still drop by their blogs occasionally). Dooce was a blog I read daily–Heather Armstrong’s daughter Leta is about the same age as Lily, so she often wrote about the same things I was going through as a first time mom. I also read Finslippy by Alice Bradley. She published a book co-authored by Eden M. Kennedy, who founded NaBloPoMo, which I am in the middle of right now.

Why do you blog? If you don’t have a blog, WHEN are you going to start blogging? 😉 (If I can do it, you can, too!)

EDIT: My sister told me I cut out the part about WHY I was disappointed when I clicked on other blogs…I would be disappointed that there wasn’t a new post! Oops!

ALSO: I’m linking up with Mama Kat’s new Vlogging Workshop. Check it out!


NaBloPoMo 2012

During my first year of blogging, when November, 2008 rolled around, I had no idea what NaBloPoMo meant. After reading blog after blog that was participating in NaBloPoMo, I had to resort to Google to figure out that it means National Blog Posting Month. It’s the bloggers’ version of NaNoWriMo, which is National Novel Writing Month. (I had to Google that, too.) Instead of writing a 50,000-word novel, however, bloggers just need to write a daily post.

So when November 2009 came around, I decided to go for it! Little did I know that November of 2009 would be the longest month of my life, but not because of NaBloPoMo. My mom became ill and died that month, and NaBloPoMo became a way to keep family and friends informed of what was going on. Writing also became a therapist’s couch for me that Fall.

Fortunately, November of 2010 was not quite so dramatic. I “met” some other bloggers who were also participating in NaBloPoMo. We visited one another’s blogs during the month to encourage each other to keep writing! We still visit each other’s blogs and leave comments.

When November 2011 came around, I suddenly lost my mind. For some unknown reason, I decided it was finally time to switch from Blogger to WordPress even though I was posting every day. I mean, I like a challenge, but that was ridiculous!

NaBloPoMo 2011

Hopefully this November, I’ll avoid biting off more than I can chew. After all, I don’t have any big projects looming ahead of me.

Except for that whole “finish a quilt by December” class I’m participating in.

NaBloPoMo November 2012