After taking a break from blogging, it’s hard for me to get back into writing regularly on my blog again. For example, I usually publish the Spin Cycle prompt by Monday morning…and it’s almost Monday evening!
Last week, we took a break from The Spin Cycle, and I was tempted to take this week off as well. However, these questions might be just the thing to get our blogs off to a good start in 2015! Copy and paste these questions and answer some or all of them on your blog. Link up your answers any day this week! The link-up is open until Sunday, January 4!
1. What do you love the most about blogging?
2. How do you find the time to keep up with all the aspects related to blogging (posting, reading, commenting, responding, etc)?
3. Does your family know about your blog and does this affect what you blog about?
4. If you didn’t blog, what would you be doing with that time?
5. Have you been in a blogging rut and how did you pull yourself out of it?
6. Have you ever considered leaving the blogging world and why? What stopped you?
7. Show some blog love: Name another blog that you adore.
8. What’s your favorite social media outlet for sharing your blog posts?
9. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself since you started blogging?
10. Any new blogging plans or ideas for the new year?
I’m looking forward to reading your answers! I’ll publish my answers on Friday…hopefully before the sun goes down!
Copy and paste the code from my sidebar on the right to add some Spin Cycle bling to your post! Coming up on The Spin Cycle for the week of January 5: Word of the Year: How did you do with last year’s word? What will you choose for this year? Here’s a link to my Word of the Year for 2014, including the linky to some of your Words of the Year. (Linky Tools lost your images, but the links still work!)