Give Your Blog a Head Start for 2015! {Spin Cycle Prompt}

After taking a break from blogging, it’s hard for me to get back into writing regularly on my blog again. For example, I usually publish the Spin Cycle prompt by Monday morning…and it’s almost Monday evening!

blog printing blocks

Last week, we took a break from The Spin Cycle, and I was tempted to take this week off as well. However, these questions might be just the thing to get our blogs off to a good start in 2015! Copy and paste these questions and answer some or all of them on your blog. Link up your answers any day this week! The link-up is open until Sunday, January 4!

1. What do you love the most about blogging?
2. How do you find the time to keep up with all the aspects related to blogging (posting, reading, commenting, responding, etc)?
3. Does your family know about your blog and does this affect what you blog about?
4. If you didn’t blog, what would you be doing with that time?
5. Have you been in a blogging rut and how did you pull yourself out of it?
6. Have you ever considered leaving the blogging world and why? What stopped you?
7. Show some blog love: Name another blog that you adore.
8. What’s your favorite social media outlet for sharing your blog posts?
9. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself since you started blogging?
10. Any new blogging plans or ideas for the new year?

I’m looking forward to reading your answers! I’ll publish my answers on Friday…hopefully before the sun goes down!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

Copy and paste the code from my sidebar on the right to add some Spin Cycle bling to your post! Coming up on The Spin Cycle for the week of January 5: Word of the Year: How did you do with last year’s word? What will you choose for this year? Here’s a link to my Word of the Year for 2014, including the linky to some of your Words of the Year. (Linky Tools lost your images, but the links still work!)




When Bloggers Meet

This weekend was the biggest blogging conference, BlogHer ’14, in San Jose, California. Unlike last year, I wasn’t able to go. Instead, I was at the southern end of the state meeting a blogger friend for the very first time! Gretchen from Second Blooming and I met in a little coffee shop kitty-corner from the Hollywood Tower. Not only did Gretchen meet me, but she met the rest of my family as well, and she brought Jude with her to meet Lily and Emmy.

Hollywood Tower

101 Coffee Shop

When I saw Gretchen and Jude walk into the coffee shop, it felt like I already knew them. As Ed told me later, “It was like you were two old college friends getting together after not seeing each other for a while.” It completely makes sense; when you read someone’s blog for as many years as Gretchen and I have read each others, you know a lot about them. And let me tell you: Gretchen’s son Jude is just as adorable in real life as he is on Gretchen’s blog! (I probably shouldn’t embarrass him like that, but it’s true!)

Ginny and Gretchen

Jude Lily and Emmy
See what I mean? Adorable!

As you have probably guessed by now, I’m on vacation. Gretchen and I have decided that in honor of our meeting each other for the first time, we are going to put The Spin Cycle on hold for two weeks. Yes, it’s kind of strange that after two bloggers meet we are now putting off blogging. But then, blogging is a strange business. It’s a place where you become friends with someone you’ve never even met. I’m just thrilled that Gretchen and I were able to meet in person.

I’ll still post a blog post here and there if I have wi-fi access or if I’m not too tired from all the hiking Ed is about to make me do. Will we have a relaxing vacation? Time will tell. And Gretchen will be writing about Camp Mama, so be sure to click over and go say hi! The Spin Cycle will resume its regular schedule in a couple of weeks. 🙂