The Proof is in the Pie {Exercise Update}

On Friday, I promised to keep you updated on whether or not I started walking again. Friday morning, after I dropped the girls off at school, I came home, cleared away the breakfast dishes and was on my way! It felt good to be walking again.

As they say, though, the proof is in the pie. Or in the pudding. Or as the correct saying goes, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”. (I learn so many trivial things when using search engines for my blog posts.)

Anyway, LOOK! I have PROOF that I actually did walk. (I must have looked very strange trying to take picture of my moving feet. It was not easy.)

Time to walk!
Dixie Chicks always gets me movin’
Home again! Two more miles, under my belt.

Have you exercised today? (So far today I have not exercised. Don’t hold it against me.)


Background of a Profile Pic (literally)

If I didn’t have a profile picture, that wouldn’t bother me a bit. You know what I mean, don’t you? Showing a picture of myself online where the whole world can see my flaws…a little scary, isn’t it?

However, I think it’s nice to put a face with a name. If I like to see how you all look, it’s not fair if I don’t show you what I look like!

I first started using a profile picture when I joined Facebook. My favorite profile picture was one my cousin took of Emmy and me when she was a baby.

Emmy and me, 2008

Babies grow up, however, and so I needed a new profile picture for Facebook. Plus, I had joined the world of blogging. All of a sudden I needed a profile picture for Blogger. And then for Twitter and Gravatar. And Google+ and Pinterest and Blogfrog….

Since I seem to be the picture taker in the family, most of my profile pictures have been ones I take of myself. There was the profile picture that was actually of my profile, which my brother said, “Take it down! It doesn’t look like you!” There’s the one I took with my webcam, which my husband declared was “freaky.” Too bad if you want to see them…I’m not going to show them to you.

The latest profile picture I used was one that Lily took, which I thought was pretty good. But just last week I got new glasses, so the quest to have a new profile picture began once again. Here’s one picture I took of myself. It’s my studious look.

Do I look like a librarian or a teacher?


And here’s what was going on behind me as I took this self-portrait.


Behind my calm demeanor…

I haven’t actually changed any profile pictures yet. The thought itself is exhausting!
