Every Day Is Earth Day

My grandparents were masters at reusing everything. My grandma used an empty coffee can as a cookie jar. She never bought ziplock bags because bread bags were perfectly good for storing food. Why buy new clothes when the old ones are fine?

I am making fun of them a little, but I also think we need a little more of my grandparents’ common sense. We really have become a throw-away society, and I’m just as guilty as everyone else. For heaven’s sake, I barely had my washing machine for 11 years when it became more expensive to repair than to just replace it, so that’s what I did. When I was a child in the 70’s, I remember my grandma washing clothes with her old wringer washing machine in her basement. To wring out the wet laundry, she put the clothes between two rollers and turned the handle. She must have had that machine for at least 30 years!

Ed and I try to do our part. At least my new washing machine is a high efficiency machine, so it uses less water and energy than the old machine. While we do buy ziplock bags, we also try to use washable containers for lunches and leftovers. I avoid buying water bottles and instead we fill washable bottles. I take reusable totes to the grocery store, although sometimes I forget to put them back in the car when I’m done unpacking them! We recycle junk mail and cardboard boxes, cans and bottles. On my countertop is a shiny silver container where my kitchen scraps go. Last summer, Ed made me a large compost bin for my garden, and I’m really excited to be able to use compost in my garden this spring!

Purple coneflowers in my garden last summer
Purple coneflowers in my garden last summer

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming



Ten Random Things About Me

1. My family moved from Nebraska to Illinois when I was three. During the move, I got stung by a bumblebee on my big toe!
2. When I’m stopped in traffic and I see someone singing along to a song in their car, I try to figure out what radio station they’re listening to.
3. When I was in elementary school and junior high, I ran in track meets. My event was the mile and I loved it. But when I went to a large suburban high school, I was too scared to try out for the track team and I gave up running.
4. I was a waitress at Pizza Hut in high school. Not a good tipping job.
5. When my youngest sister, who was in high school, told me I should date her Youth Leader, I just laughed. Years later I started dating him and we’ve been married for over 12 years.
6. I used to hate asparagus and now I love it. Believe, I tell my kids this story a lot when they complain about food they don’t like.
7. My other sister always gives me her mushrooms.
8. I had my first baby at the same age my mom was when she had her last baby; we were 35 years old.
9. I can’t believe I’m so old that I had breast cancer 19 years ago. Yes, I was very young.
10. I still love reading real books, real magazines, and actual newspapers.

The Golden Spoons


11. I hate being late, and yet now that I’m a mother, I usually am late!

Link up a post to the Spin Cycle this week! Our prompt is Just Write! Click here to link up!

Do you need a book to read? Read my review of Angelhood, by A.J. Cattapan.
