Busy Airport

I went to pick up my sister from the airport today! Yay! The airport, of course, was super busy and the traffic was horrific. What should have taken 40 minutes took an hour and a half. It’s always that way at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Lily and Emmy were so excited to see their aunt because we didn’t get to see her this summer.

O'Hare Airport; photo courtesy of my sister
O’Hare Airport; photo courtesy of my sister

Since it took so long to get home from the airport, it took a while to get the girls to bed. So much excitement! And now it’s time for me to go to bed, too. Coming from California, though, means that my sister will probably stay up past our bedtimes. She has to get used to Central time, so we gave Lily and Emmy strict warnings. Don’t wake up Aunt Meredith too early!


Sometimes I still…

…check on my children when they are sleeping. It used to be that I had to creep quietly into my little girls’ rooms at night to check on them before I could go to bed. If I forgot, I would lie in bed and worry about them until I got out of bed, quietly tip-toed into their rooms, and made sure they were still breathing.

Now that Lily and Emmy are older, I don’t check on them as often as I used to. But tonight, Emmy was coughing a lot, so I checked on her to make sure she had fallen asleep and was resting well. I also checked on Lily, because I can’t check on one daughter without checking on the other. Lily, however, now that she is older, has more trouble falling asleep and said, “What?” when I crept by her bed. “I’m just checking on you,” I said. She is used to me, and barely opened her eyes.

I was an exhausted mommy!
Lily and Emmy sleeping on me!

How old will they have to be for me to stop checking on them? I suppose I’ll always want to, although when they are teenagers they might not want me to come into their rooms. My mom used to say that she was the happiest when all four of us children were under her roof, even when we were adults. I was 40 when she died, and she still wanted all four of us to be with her.

Thanksgiving week is a difficult week for us. Mom died early on Monday morning, November 23, and we had to wait until after Thanksgiving to have her funeral. A couple of church families provided our Thanksgiving dinner that year. We were so grateful to them. We didn’t have the energy or the motivation to prepare a turkey…or mashed potatoes, or anything else!

I am now closer to 50 than to 40 years old. Sometimes I still…miss my mother. I suppose I always will.
