Treasure Bath!

Look who needs a bath!
Someone was eating a chocolate bunny!

Messes and kids, kids and baths; they go together! Emmy can definitely relate to this book:
The Treasure Bath The Treasure Bath by Dan Andreasen

A little boy is baking with his mother. He gets a little messy during the process, and while the cake is baking, needs to take a bath. He has some adventures under the sea without leaving the bathtub! This is a wordless picture book that Ed and Emmy found this book at the library, and Emmy loves it! Right now it is the most requested book at our house. (Just a note of caution: the little boy is shown with a bare bottom in the bath…while Emmy thinks nothing of this because she is two, I never would have read this book to a classroom full of second graders! They would have laughed way too much!)

Tuesday Tuesday by David Wiesner

This is a great story, also wordless! The illustrations are incredible, and there’s a surprise ending! (Shh…I’m not going to spoil it for you!)

For more information on these two books, watch my first vlog below:

Some things I learned about vlogging:

1. The living room is a bad location for recording a video. Yikes, that glare!

2. There’s a reason everyone uses YouTube. It’s fast, it’s free, and it’s easy. I uploaded this same video to Vimeo, and 24 hours later it’s still “processing.”

3. Never allow your husband to edit your video. He kept the beginning part in, and if I hadn’t gotten to him in time, would’ve included the tushie shot of me at the end!

To read some more reviews of wonderful children’s books, click on Janna’s button below!


Happy Reading!

Llama Drama!

Llama Llama Mad at Mama Llama Llama Mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney

My daughter, Emmy, has a HUGE sweet tooth. Not surprisingly, she often throws tantrums when I don’t give her what she wants, such as Easter candy that recently found its way into the house, or fruit gummy snacks, which are basically candy! This is the anatomy of a tantrum:

  • Emmy demands candy at eight o’clock in the morning.
  • I say one little word. No.
  • Serious pleading for candy begins.
  • No!
  • Crying ensues.
  • I get a book. I ask Emmy if she would like to read it with me. If enough time has elapsed, and Emmy feels as though she has shown me her displeasure long enough, she will agree to read the book with me!

Llama Llama Mad at Mama is one of Emmy’s favorites, and when I read it to her after her last tantrum, we talked about how Emmy was mad at Mama. Llama Llama is also mad at Mama, after Mama drags Llama Llama away from Saturday morning playtime and takes Llama Llama to the dreaded Shop-o-Rama. Llama Llama has THE meltdown of all meltdowns at the store. Llama Llama’s Mama proves to be way more patient than this mama would have been with that kind of meltdown! Together Llama Llama and his mama work through the “llama drama”.

Llama, Llama Red Pajama Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney

It’s been a while since we read this book, since we don’t own a copy. Llama Llama is delaying bedtime, just as all children do! I remember loving Llama Llama Mama’s response to all the bedtime delays. I’m thinking I need to include this book in Emmy’s Easter basket!

To read some more reviews of wonderful children’s books, click on Janna’s button below!


Hoping you have a tantrum-free day,