Book Nook: Library Lion

When we go on long car trips, we would not survive without our books on CD! We go to the library, and check out a few to keep us occupied as we drive. One of our favorite books on CD is Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train by Cynthia Rylant, read by John McDonough.

On our last trip, we discovered a new favorite. This book has beautiful illustrations and a wonderful story, and we loved listening to the CD as our minivan cruised on the highway.

Library LionLibrary Lion by Michelle Knudsen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When Mr. McBee comes running to tell Miss Merriweather, the head librarian, that there is a lion in the library, she doesn’t blink an eye! As long as he follows the rules, why shouldn’t there be a lion in the library? Mr. McBee is not at all happy with this arrangement, but the children are delighted!

Lion becomes a regular visitor and helper at the library. But what happens when Lion breaks the rules?
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Apples and Sunflowers

Cezanne and the Apple BoyCezanne and the Apple Boy by Laurence Anholt

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stumbling upon a great book is such a pleasant surprise! When my daughter, Emmy, picked up this book from a library display, I didn’t want to take it home. Emmy is barely 3 years old, and I didn’t think she would be interested in a book about an artist. Emmy insisted, and I begrudgingly put this book in our bag.

The librarians, however, knew what they were doing by placing this book on display. Emmy loved hearing the story about a little boy visiting his eccentric artist father on the side of a mountain. Lily, my five year old, enjoyed this tale even more! If you love great art, and you want to introduce great artists to your children, this book is a great place to start. Laurence Anholt has written several other children’s books about famous artists, and we’re going to see if our library has them!

Sunflower HouseSunflower House by Eve Bunting

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sometimes finding a great book is not an accident. I read about this book on someone else’s Feed Me Books Friday post (was it yours?) and my daughters loved it! A little boy and his dad plant sunflower seeds in a circle to create a sunflower house. All his friends love playing in this unique playhouse, but then…fall comes, and the sunflowers start to die. How can this story have a happy ending? Don’t worry, it does!

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Anne @ Little Sprout Books is guest hosting Feed Me Books Friday today! Anne always has the best children’s book reviews. Please go visit her and find out for yourself!