Wacky Wednesday!

Emmy’s Kindergarten class is celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday by having a Wacky Wednesday!

Wacky Wednesday

She wore purple pants with a red, backwards shirt, unmatched socks, and a wacky hairdo. Here she is, in all her wackiness!

Wacky Emmy

One of our favorite books Dr. Seuss books here at home is Bartholomew and the Oobleck.

Bartholomew and the Oobleck

After reading about oobleck, make some oobleck!

How to make oobleck

Pour a cup of cornstarch into a medium sized bowl. In a 2 C. measuring cup, add a couple drops of green food coloring to one cup of water and stir. Add about 3/4 cup of water to the cornstarch and stir. Have your kids mix it up with their fingers! Depending on the consistency you want, add more water or more cornstarch. Pour onto a cookie sheet with edges to contain the mess. You might be surprised how much YOU like playing with oobleck!

If you get the oobleck to the right consistency, it acts like a solid when you are playing with it, and then melts to a liquid when you let it stand. Emmy and I experimented with adding water and adding cornstarch to see what would happen. In this video of Emmy, the ooleck (otherwise known as green slime) is a little more liquid-y.

Since the oobleck is just cornstarch and water, clean-up is so easy–trust me! As a preschool teacher who has had to clean up play dough tables every day before snack time, I can tell you that play dough is much stickier to clean up. Plus, cornstarch is much safer for preschoolers, unlike the recipe for slime that uses glue and Borax. If you wait for the cornstarch to dry, it vacuums up very easily.

There’s Just One Mommy has a great Dr. Seuss activity link-up. Click the button below for more ideas on how to use Dr. Seuss books!


Wednesdays are also the day I vlog using Mama Kat’s vlogging prompt. My vlog is below; you can also watch it on my YouTube Channel.


Hoping you have a Wacky Wednesday!


Why I Didn’t Watch the Oscars

I am feeling out of it this Monday morning! I think I’m the only one who didn’t watch the Oscars last night. I did see a little of the red carpet before the Oscars, but only because the BBQ place where we had dinner had it on the TV. (No sports to show, I’m guessing?)

So here’s why I missed the Oscars:

  1. We ate at a new BBQ place, and the cafeteria style ordering totally confused us. Plus, we were in the presence of a crabby 5 year old who was not going to be happy no matter what we did, unless we bought her dessert. We did not buy her dessert, so you can imagine how our night went. (The mashed potatoes we ordered for her and the copious amounts of fruit punch she drank did lighten her mood.)
  2. Once we got home, it was time for the girls to play a little, and I worked on my vlog for Wednesday. I learned some new stuff in Windows Live Movie Maker, which was fun!
  3. Then, bedtime. Putting on pajamas, reading bedtime books and snuggling just cannot be hurried.
  4. The only movies we have seen lately are the family movies we borrow from the library. This weekend’s choice was Ella Enchanted. I read the book many years ago, and after the movie, I went downstairs to get my copy of the book out of storage. Once I started reading it, I was hooked. Let me tell you, this is definitely a case of the book being better than the movie! The movie was nothing like the book. It’s as though the screen writer for the movie just stole the characters from the book, and then wrote a completely different story. The book is so good. I stayed up late last night just to finish it.

Ella Enchanted

Anne Hathaway stars in Ella Enchanted, and Ed asked me if she was still around. This shows you how much he pays attention to celebrities. She’s only the lead in Les Mis which was up for an Oscar! Which brings me full circle…I have no idea right now who won any of the Oscars, and I haven’t seen any of the movies which were nominated for an Oscar.

Later this morning, I’ll do what I always do the morning after the Oscars. First, I’ll look at the best and worst dressed on some entertainment website. Then I’ll read all about the Oscars themselves in the paper.

Did you watch the Oscars last night? What did you think?


(Looking for the linky? Come back tomorrow for Tips and Tricks Tuesday! I have some new ideas on how to use my Linky Tools subscription.)