The Book Cover

I bought the book at the church bake sale which doubles as a used book sale. The book jacket is long gone. It sits on the table, its blue and tan cover blank. I have no idea what this book is about; I only have the title and the author’s name to go by. I love reading the back of the book jacket first, and then the summary of the book on the jacket’s flap. But there is none of that with this book. The spine reads, “home safe Elizabeth Berg” and I don’t remember why I bought this book. Did one of the church ladies recommend it as I stood at the table, touching the spines of all the books?

As I open the book, I discover a little treasure. On the title page, it says in blue ink, “Happy reading, girls! Elizabeth Berg.” Signed by the author!

Now I’m curious. I have the internet at my fingertips. Should I look it up and read a summary online? It would be so easy to do. What kind of reviews does it have? Do people like it? What’s it all about?

I turn the pages and flatten them as I go.

“One Saturday when she was nine years old, Helen Ames went into the basement…”

I’m hooked already.


Grateful for the women behind The Mother of All Meltdowns

When Crystal Ponti from MommiFried reached out to me last summer, I didn’t know what I was in for. I signed up to write a story for a book. In the process, I received so much more than just becoming a published author. (Although it is pretty great!) I met a group of women who are extraordinary. Not only did I find myself in the company of amazing writers, I also was surrounded by new friends! When I told the group about my featured post on BlogHer, over 10 comments suddenly appeared on my post! I’m so grateful for their support!

Support is what our book, The Mother of All Meltdowns, is all about. We’ve all had our share of meltdowns, and we share our stories with you in our tell-all book. The Mother of All Meltdowns makes a great gift or stocking stuffer, and can help moms feel connected, normal, and understood. All moms deserve the laughter, validation, and moments of “Me too” this book provides!


I’m pleased to tell you about our Holiday Sale: “Give Mom the Gift of Sanity This Holiday Season!” Here are all the details:

  • Just $0.99 for Kindle and Nook editions!
  • EXCLUSIVE OFFER! 50% off the print edition! Visit our CreateSpace store here. Enter your title access password: moam123 and use coupon code 75N5ZSBR when you order!
  • Weekly giveaways until Christmas! Subscribe to our blog (just enter email address where it says Connect with us!) and enter to win a free copy of the book or your very own Cocktail Party on Christmas Day! Winners will be chosen at random on Wednesdays (December 4 through 25)!

Please share this sale with your friends, family, and colleagues! Or treat yourself and purchase your own copy of the book!

This book's on SALE!
This book’s on SALE!
