Mud Season

The four seasons are why I love living in the Midwest. The past few winters, however, have almost done me in. It seemed like every single Saturday morning, I was slipping and sliding in my minivan on the way to piano lessons. As much as I love snow, I was tired of spending my afternoons shoveling the driveway. And then there was the cold! The polar vortex visited us a couple of winters in a row, and school was cancelled because of the subzero temperatures.

Well, we had none of that this year. Winter is not done with us yet, I know, and I did have the sump pump pipe freeze on me because of the extreme cold, but those subzero temperatures didn’t last long. The sun is shining and the birds are singing on this beautiful February morning. Spring is coming!

In the excitement of throwing the windows open to release the stale air and let fresh air inside and throwing the kids outside to play, I forgot; when you mix kids with warm air and melting snow drifts, you get mud. Mud tracked into the house on boots and smeared on hands.

Mud pie

But I love it anyway. I love seeing the buds grow on the trees and slowly turn green and green shoots pushing through last year’s brown, dried-up leaves. I love opening the windows even when it’s not quite warm enough to open the windows. I love kicking the kids outside to play.

I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Without winter, the long, cold, snowy winter, Spring would not be so fresh and new and green.

Lily skateboarding

What is your favorite season?

Pick one (or more) and write about the prompt on your blog. Then come back here to link up your blog post! Don’t forget, the linky will close on February 29th!

1. On Groundhog Day, the groundhog is supposed to tell us when Spring will arrive. What is your favorite season and why?

2. Company’s coming! What is your favorite recipe to make when you have guests?

3. Valentine’s Day is Feb. 14. Do you have a craft or cute Valentine ideas to share with us?

4. 2016 is Leap Year. If you had no other obligations, what would you do with an extra day?

The linky will be open all month long! But remember, this is the shortest month of the year, so you only have 29 days to write!


10 Replies to “Mud Season”

  1. There is something I love about every season. The cold and snuggly bit of the winter, the new life and freshness of spring, the long warm days of summer and the windy days of autumn.
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