
There are so many things I’m grateful for, and at the top of the list are the people in my life. I’m so grateful to have my family and friends in my life! They are the best! And I have so many other things to be grateful for as well…my list is long! I’m going to try to write a more concise list for a late #TuesdayTen post on gratefulness, however.

10. I’m grateful for my home.

As much as I complain about living in an older home that hasn’t been updated much, I’m so grateful to have a warm house with a furnace that works. I’m grateful to have a new washing machine that doesn’t use as much water to wash our laundry, and an old dryer that works well even after two repair jobs. I’m grateful to have the dishwasher that I didn’t have growing up! (My dad always said we had TWO dishwashers…my sister and me. Ha, ha, Dad.) I love the changes we have been able to make slowly but surely across the years. And I’m grateful that I can dream about the changes we will make in the future, because we have this place to change, this building that we call home.

9. I’m grateful for living in the Midwest.

As much as I complain about snow in November, I love watching the seasons change. I love living by the big lake we hardly ever see, but which affects our weather so much. I love the preserved forests by the rivers and the restored prairies with roaming bison.

Watermarked Fall to Winter

8. I’m grateful for the opportunity to travel.

Ed and I have dragged our daughters all over the country! We’ve gone as far north as Alaska, and south to Florida. We watched for whales and saw humpbacks feeding on krill. We stopped by the warm waters of an electric plant, and saw manatee floating lazily in the sunshine. And we’ve traveled to many points in between!

Junior Rangers
Junior Rangers in Death Valley, CA

7. I’m grateful for music.

I’m grateful for the opportunity to sing in my church choir and to my preschool class. I’m grateful for the musical opportunities for Lily and Emmy, for orchestra and chorus and our piano teacher. I’m grateful for Ed playing the trombone!

first piano recital (2)

6. I’m grateful for my church family.

Every Sunday, as we gather together to worship, I’m so grateful to renew my spirit in both faith and fellowship. Being able to gather together in Christ’s name is indeed a blessing!

5. Did I write up above that I was going to make this list concise? I’m not sure I’m managing conciseness, but I’m grateful the ability to write, for my love of words, for my blog and the chance to share my writing with you! Thank you for reading!

4. I’m so grateful for my job; for the opportunity to teach preschoolers. I love working with those little souls! I’m also so grateful for my co-workers. They make going to work something to look forward to! As part of the bigger picture, I’m so grateful to have a talent for teaching. It is such a gift to be able to do what I do.


3. I’m so grateful for my friends, old and new, and as funny as it is, I’m grateful for Facebook, which helps me stay in touch with my friends! Technology is a blessing, too, isn’t it?

2. At the top of my list is my family, from siblings and parents to aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents, and my in-laws and step-family. And for Ed, my wonderful husband, and my two little girls! I’m so blessed to have a large and loving family!

1. I’m grateful for my faith, a blessing from God, and that by His grace I am saved and will someday be taken up to heaven to live with Him. Alleluia!

The Golden Spoons

What are you grateful for? (I’m also grateful for the hostesses of Tuesday Ten, Lisa and Rabia!)

Don’t forget about our Thanksgiving link-up for The Spin Cycle this week! The link-up is open until the end of the month!


4 Replies to “Gratitude”

  1. I agree with you about being grateful for the opportunity to travel. I’ve been lucky enough to take 3 overseas trips in my life and they have all been amazing!
    Becca recently posted…Sick in BedMy Profile

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