The Spin Cycle is back!

Today just might be your favorite day of the year, since everyone loves watermelon. It’s National Watermelon Day! I, however, will not be celebrating. Unlike the whole world, I can’t stand the taste of watermelon. Even though my kids love it, I dread buying watermelon, because then I have to cut it up and I can’t stand the smell of watermelon. I don’t even like the texture of a piece of watermelon. I have tried, darn it. I eat a small piece every summer. But it never works!

This week on the Spin Cycle, it’s Love it/Hate it week! Do you love something everyone else seems to hate? Or hate something everyone seems to love?

Spin it your way and write about your loves/hates! Read this post of mine for an example: Love/Hate.

Love writing? Link up to the Spin Cycle this week, and be sure to include a Spin Cycle button!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
Visit my blog to get the code in my sidebar and add it to your blog post!


13 Replies to “The Spin Cycle is back!”

    1. The linky is right above the Spin Cycle picture. I added my example to it. If you still can’t find it on your computer, just put your link in a comment when it’s ready, and I’ll add it for you!

        1. You’re linked! Thanks for joining the Spin Cycle this week. I do have a caption under the Spin Cycle picture, which is probably the frame you see. I’ll see if I can figure out why the linky isn’t showing up for you.
          Ginny Marie recently posted…The Spin Cycle is back!My Profile

  1. Just read your love/hate post and couldn’t figure out how to comment on it so I’ll comment here. My family is evenly divided when it comes to the love of 100% pure maple syrup. My husband and youngest daughter love it, and my oldest daughter and I prefer the fake stuff.

    Thanks for bringing back the SpinCycle!
    This Busy Life recently posted…The Best Method of Reheating PizzaMy Profile

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