What’s On Your Book List?

Emmy reads to her baby doll.
Emmy reads to her baby doll.

This week on The Spin Cycle, let’s get reading! I’m so excited to have some time for summer reading. Blogs, books, the newspaper, whatever! What’s on your summer reading list? Share good books you have read, books you want to read, your favorite blogs, and magazines you love to page through. Are romances your guilty pleasure? Would you love to sit down with a great sci-fi read? Share your reading loves, and get the rest of us excited about reading!

glasses on book

Link up your posts here!

Victorian woman reading

Next week: Routines

Now that school is out for the summer, I need new routines for my daughters and myself! What are we going to do with ourselves ALL DAY LONG? Do you have a morning routine? A summer routine? A retirement routine? Or are you spontaneous and throw routines out the window? Share your routine or lack of routine with us!

Spin Cycle at Second Blooming
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7 Replies to “What’s On Your Book List?”

  1. I need to find more time the next two weeks, because with school winding down, we have all sorts of things to do at both girls’ school to celebrate the end of the school year, plus work still calling that I am finding me time for reading falling to the wayside sadly. But hoping once school is out, I will have a bit more time to do some more reading here.
    Janine Huldie recently posted…How to Deal with the Ferocious Fours and Fives, TooMy Profile

  2. I have a book to review and another two I’ve won in blog giveaways. All I need now is the time and means to read them! It seems all time I have to read is spent in the blogging world … and I still can’t get to all I want!

    I need to make it happen, though.

  3. I finally ordered a cheap Kindle because of the abundance of electronic books I have collected. Even though I still plan on purchasing paperback, I needed something so I could read all of these books.

    I haven’t decided which one I plan to start, but it’s between an Indie book or a Classic. Take care.
    Denise Baer recently posted…The Life of ShakespeareMy Profile

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