Birthdays {Spin Cycle}

My parents always tell the story of how they drove to the hospital in the middle of the night that snowy February. It seems as though my birthday is destined to be snowy most years, which also makes it a great day for Groundhog Day, since most of us are yearning for Spring by the time February comes around!

I have had some very snowy birthdays. In 2011, Chicago had the huge “Groundhog Day Blizzard.” We even had thundersnow! After 20 inches of snow, Ed couldn’t get out of the driveway to go to work and the rest of us had no school. Birthday snow day!

Lily's snow tunnel in Feb. 2011
Lily’s snow tunnel in Feb. 2011
Blizzard of 2011
Sledding on my birthday in 2013

A couple of years ago, my birthday was on a Saturday and we had enough snow to go sledding. This year, we had another blizzard, although we didn’t get as much snow as we did in 2011. I don’t have an official tally yet, since it’s still snowing and blowing, but I think we have at least a foot. And I did just get the official call–snow day!

Since today is my birthday, that is the prompt for the Spin Cycle this week: Birthdays. How do you feel about birthdays? What was your most memorable birthday? Or if you prefer, tell us about your kids’ birthdays! Or how about a birth story; either your own or when your children were born. There’s so many ways to spin the prompt Birthdays!

Link up your Birthday post here and I’ll be back on Friday to share my birthday post!


Spin Cycle at Second Blooming

In 2015, I’d like to get the Spin Cycle grow. Here are some ways you can help:

  • Write a Spin Cycle post any day this week and link it up here!
  • Copy the code for the Spin Cycle button on my sidebar and paste it in your Spin or include a link back here in your post so that your readers will be able to find more Spins.
  • Sign up for my newsletter to get the Spin Cycle Prompt in your inbox.
  • Send me a tweet @lemondroppie when your post is up!


23 Replies to “Birthdays {Spin Cycle}”

  1. Happy Birthday, Ginny Marie!
    We’re in the Chicago area visiting our daughter and her family. Thankfully, we had already planned on staying for an extra long weekend (departing tomorrow) as I don’t think we would have made it back to MN during the blizzard! I heard reports of 19.3 inches at O’Hare!! It took my husband most of the morning to shovel out all the cars, driveway, sidewalks, & deck ~ whew.
    Hope you have a blessed birthday = )

  2. Happy bday!!! I LOVE birthdays!!!! I make sure whom I with has a wonderful birthday on theirs too, so my husband these days is a very lucky man who gets a day or a weekend dedicated to him!

  3. Oh fun! I have plenty to add to this.
    Cassidy is a spring baby and Des is on the cusp – June 13th. Last year his birthday fell on Scarlet’s preschool graduation day. Oh vey.
    Scarlet and I are summer babies. We never will know school or snow on our birthdays, although Cassidy remembers both heat and blizzards on his early April birthday!
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